1: The Man Behind The Mask

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I instantly spun around, looking straight into his mask with a firm look on my face. Everything was silent. We didn't speak or move, we just stared at each other. All I wanted to do was disappear. I didn't want to see him like this. I didn't want to fight him. Even if he is no longer the man I knew. Or is he? What if there is still a chance to rescue him from the darkness? But, whatever happens, the man behind the mask is him. I know it is.

Afterward, we instantly started the fight, I made the first move, running at him with my lightsaber at my side. I soon stopped running, meeting my vibrant blue lightsaber to his Sith red. He made an attempt to attack my side but I blocked it. We kept the fight going, attacking and blocking when we had the chance. He used the force to knock me to the ground but I quickly jumped back up and tried to make a move for his arm, but he blocked it.

It was a graceful fight. Darth Vader seeing me as a threat and I, seeing Darth Vader as a monster and murderer. We kept at this for hours slashing, running, jumping, hoping the other would quit. he made a move for my leg I blocked it, jumped behind him, and made a move for his back. he blocked that. Then I did something unexpected. I  ran in the opposite direction of him, turned around, and ran back at him slicing off his mask and prosthetic leg.

 I was on the ground, breathing heavily from the sudden outburst of energy I had. I considered running until I heard a voice. "Ahsoka........" it whispered but no, it didn't sound like Darth Vader's. it sounded like a mix between a droid and a human. "Ahsoka....." he said and I turned around to see Darth Vader's mask slashed in half. In the darkness of Darth Vader, I saw Anakin. His sith yellow eyes had a saddened expression. As if he lost a battle. As if he had lost everything. Like he wanted to call for help but couldn't. Like he wanted to say something but was forbidden to say it. I shook my head as a tear rolled down my face. This is who Anakin was. my best friend, mentor, and even a father figure was now a monster. "Anakin........." I said out of sadness and looked into his eye. He said nothing. But He looked as if he let someone down.



 I looked into the eyes of the person had no feelings for. I held no mercy, nor sorrow for her. Anakin Skywalker was the past. He is dead. As I kept looking into her eyes I saw guilt, pain, sadness,  and, loss. I knew those feelings. That was about every day of my life until I couldn't hold it anymore and let Vader win the battle. And did that change anything? No. Padme is still dead.. and everything is a lot worse than it already was. All of the Jedi are dead. Except for Ahsoka. I really wanted to talk to Ahsoka, give her a hug, and tell her that everything was alright but I knew I couldn't. I wanted to tell her the same thing I wanted to tell Obi-Wan.' NO! you are a Sith, do you know what the emperor would do to you if you said that?' the Darth Vader in me said. 'I am supposed to be a Jedi, not a Sith!' I said. 'Someday, I Will Win the battle and make everything right again' 'We'll see Anakin, we'll see'  Darth Vader said back. I stared at Ahsoka and I saw a tear roll down her face.  'I'm sorry Ahsoka' I thought and I really meant it.



I stood up still looking at Vader. He stood too, having trouble because of parts of his leg I cut off. Then, he glanced at me one more time, turned around, and limped away. I didn't think much of it. He definitely would come back for me later. I looked to my left and saw a small town so I decided to walk in that direction. I figured I would need some supplies and a ship. I obviously couldn't stay on this planet. 

When I got to the town, I looked for the first thing I needed. a cloak. I didn't want anyone recognizing me and reporting me to the empire so I needed a disguise of some sort. I walked the streets of the town and found a clothing shop. 'perfect' I thought as I went inside to find a cloak. There were loads of cloaks there but I eventually settled on a cheap, grey one that would do just fine. So I bought it and headed to a shipyard to find a ship. Once I got to the shipyard, I took a look at the ships and immediately decided they were way too expensive. I still had to get a ship. So I made a plan to steal a smuggler's ship that was getting cargo tonight.

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