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I stared at the helmets of the clones I buried. These were my men, and they were dead. I couldn't get over what had happened that day, it was a lot to take in. I knew the clones turned against the Jedi and most of them were killed, and then Chancellor Palpatine took control and created the empire. But I wondered if Order 66 wiped out all the Jedi, and if any survived. I wondered how this had happened, How could the clones whom we trusted our whole lives turn on us? I wondered what happened to my friends, to Obi-Wan, to Anakin, to Padme. And finally, I wondered how we couldn't tell Palpatine was the Sith lord to begin with.

One thing was certain, Rex and I were no longer safe wandering out-and-about with the empire in control. And neither were any remaining Jedi. We would have to go into hiding. I looked at my lightsabers, I  had to leave evidence that I was dead with the others. So I dropped my smaller lightsaber, turned around, and walked away. Like I did with the order, like I did with my life. Rex and I decided to split up, that way if one of us got found the other would be safe.

 Rex never told me where he was going, so I never knew where he went. But He dropped me off at a somewhat abandoned town In Coruscant (that I never learned the name of) and after that, It was all about survival. 

I never knew all the details of what happened that day, but I grieved over it ever since.                      





"My master, you wanted to see me?" I said as soon as the hologram call started. "Yes lord Vader," the emperor replied, his voice flickering in and out from the scrambled signal of the hologram. "What is it, master?" I said back, in hopes I would finally have another mission. Then the emperor responded,  interrupting my thoughts. "I have a mission for you. In an abandoned town in Coruscant, there are rumors that a Jedi has been hiding there. I want you to see if that is true" "Yes my master. I will go immediately" I replied. I was eager to go, as I was looking forward to finally having a task to busy myself with. "good," he said and the call ended. I stood up and walked to the control room. "Set course for Coruscant," I said to my pilots, and the ship blasted off into hyperspace. A sight I have seen for many different years, as many different people. And as I looked into it, memories came back to me. My first time seeing space after being a slave as a kid, to all the times I have been in space in the order. 'I'm not supposed to be here' I thought. But, yet again. I tucked all my memories into the deepest part of my mind and tried to forget about them. After all, I am Darth Vader... and if this is my destiny so be it.        



After it was clear of stormtroopers, I snuck out the front door and climbed up the ladder to the balcony. I did this every night. It felt like a tradition now. It helped me think better. Of the past, the present, and the future. I sighed and slumped on the railing watching the sunset. It always reminded me of All of the good times that I used to have when I was a kid. It also reminded me that somewhere, there is good in the world that will bring the world to peace.

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