With a heavy sigh, I patted her back while flashing an encouraging smile. "C'mon, let's get you out of your misery."

She nodded her head and before going with me, she turned to her friend. "I wish I could see you getting married," Sasha spoke to Gia as she held her hands.

"It's completely fine." The bride, Gia, spoke. "Don't forget to keep me updated about your whereabouts."

Sahsa nodded her head, then I grabbed her hand and marched out hoping for her boyfriend not to identify her.

Stealthily and cautiously, I led her outside. My heart began pumping blood furiously. My hands were getting sweaty and I swear Sasha was frightened too as I felt the precipitation seeping from her hand, making it hard for me to grab her hand in a tight grip, the hot weather wasn't helping either. I stopped when the huge lawn, where the wedding was to take place came into my view.

The problem was that the entry and exit were the same, which means I had to take her out from in between the guests where her asshole boyfriend could see us. I was aware of the risks, however, I couldn't focus on those since I had to free Sasha from her sufferings.

"Sasha." I turned to face her and grabbed her shoulders as I peered into her eyes, making sure she understood that I would free her at any cost. "Last time... I am reminding you this last time. Do not look up in any case, get that? And do not leave my hand. If I say run, you run with me without looking anywhere. Are we clear?"

"Crystal." She nodded her head in determination.

"Good." I again grabbed her hand and while praying for our safety, I cautiously led the way.

As soon as we reached the middle of the lawn, I saw a commotion begun to erupt there. Questioningly, I turned my head to Sasha, who shrugged in response. My curiosity began to soar, urging me to enquire about the sudden hustle and bustle, but I knew better.

Sasha's escape was much more important than my curiosity, which would probably lead to nothing.

I sighed and took a step forward, but surprisingly a force pulled me back, which, all of a sudden, elevated my heartbeat. I felt Sasha firmly squeezing my hand, which in return caused me to squeeze my eyes shut. Don't tell me we got caught.

I didn't know what had happened, but I had to know. I got frightened, not for myself, but Sasha's safety. So, daringly, I turned my neck to look at Sasha, and I frowned when I saw her gaze fixed on the ground.

"What happened?" I whispered while assessing her feet, which appeared to be transfixed in the ground.

"I saw him." Her voice cracked. "H-he will catch us. He's standing to our left." By now, her chest began to rise and fall rapidly. Shit!

Without acknowledging the presence of the person she was talking about, I firmly grabbed her shoulder.

"I told you not to look for him." I emitted sharply, but when she winced at my tone, I cursed myself in a language that I had never learned.

"Hey, sorry, I didn't mean to be harsh." I tried to console her. "But Sasha, it's not the time to be bothered by his presence. You need to get out. We need to get out of here. Now, before he notices us, we've got to run."

This time I didn't wait for her response; I grabbed her hand firmly and only muttered 'run' and sprinted out of the wedding venue, without looking back and dashed inside the taxi I came in.

While the driver revived the engine, my gaze landed outside on a guy who jumped from over the wall and rushed to the motorbike standing at the side. I squinted my eyes to get a better look at his face. A low, inaudible gasp escaped my throat when I recognized the face. He was the same guy I had bumped into a while ago. Only the change was that now he wasn't alone. A guy with a bag on his back and a cloth over his nose ran beside him. They both seemed to be in a hurry. Quickly, they settled themselves on the motorbike, and within a blink of an eye, they vanished in thin air, leaving me looking at the dust.

Could it be possible that the ruckus at the wedding happened because of him? Don't tell me he's the thief and stole something which caused the commotion there!

Could be possible since he did seem suspicious to me. And his bruises-they must have appeared because of his criminal activities. But he didn't at all appear a thief to me. He seemed decent-

Tsk! Shut it, Aura. Get a grip. Don't fantasize about a thief! You are better than that.

Once at the airport, I handed over the plane tickets and details of the place to stay at to Sasha. I then pulled her in a comforting hug.

"Be safe. And keep me updated about your whereabouts." I mumbled while patting her back.

I heard her sniff against my neck. "I will and thank you so much for helping me out."

I pulled away and gently patted her shoulder as I flashed a smile. "Don't mention. It's my job to help people escape." I then turned her through her shoulders and gave her a little push. "Now go, the new and better life awaits for you."

I watched her walk to the security check at the entrance.
To be honest, it was a risky task to flee her from in front of her abusive boyfriend, yet I made it. Another mission accomplished.

"Hope she gets to live a better life now," I muttered to myself while stepping backward, with my eyes fixed on the see-through glass panel, looking at Sasha's figure disappearing in the crowd.

The next morning I found myself gaping at the section of the newspaper which had news of a groom running away from his own wedding. It was the same wedding event from which I helped Sasha run away. Poor Gia, I couldn't even imagine what she must be going through. I hoped for Sasha not to come running back after hearing the drastic news of her best friend being left at alter.

Flopping the newspaper flat on my bed, I prepared myself to face the situation I hadn't been able to find my escape from.

So, here's the first chapter. How do you like it?

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Next update: Day after tomorrow.

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