About that time an alarm sounded and the lights turned red. She ignored this and started down the hall way looking for any way out that she could find. She jogged lightly and went into the first room she saw after going up a flight of stairs. Inside she found lockers, in one she found a set of clothes that looked like they would fit her well enough so she put them on, now dressed in light colored jeans, a pale blue button down top and a lab coat over that. She searched the remaining lockers and found a pair of black sneakers that she slipped on and a small handgun with a single clip. She tucked the gun into the back of her jeans before she glanced at the scratchy hospital gown she had changed out of and placed it in the trash can as she left the room.

The alarm continued to blare annoyingly, making her head ache with pressure, and she walked down the hall. She found a map on one of the walls and read that she was in the laboratory wing and looked for a way to get out of there. Once she found a suitable route that would lead her to what she had read to be a train car she began her way toward it. She easily managed to blend into the crowd of scientists that she found rushing the same way she was going after going through another door into a new hallway.

"Do you know what's going on? Why is the alarm going off?" One of the scientists, a small redheaded woman, asked a taller male from in front of her. She glanced back to see that behind some of the people rushing for the train car there were men in all black tactical suits with helmets hiding their faces. What caught her attention though was the weapons they carried and that they seemed to be directing the crowd.

"From what I heard one of the test subjects got out, they knocked out Birkin, wounded him pretty badly." The man said to the redhead making her flinch. Scarlett snapped her eyes to the floor when the man glanced back at her and hoped he didn't recognize her as the subject that got out. It seemed he didn't when he looked forward again and they made it out to where a large elevator was in the center of a huge room with three separate walkways. The majority of the scientists and workers went for the elevator but Scarlett continued down the walkway to the other one that would lead to the reception area of this place that was supposed to have another car.

"Ma'am, you're going the wrong way. To the elevator please." One of the men in black called out to her but she ignored them and continued moving. She heard him yell out again but they soon realized who she really was and began trying to go after her. She hissed in pain as a bullet grazed her left arm and she spun around, pulling the gun from her waistband and shooting at the group of men making the crowd scream.

"It's her, aim to incapacitate not kill. He want's her back alive!" One of the other men yelled as they shot at her. She cursed softly and turned to run for the door leading to the reception area only to find a tall man with blonde hair and bright blue eyes with sunglasses perched on the top of his head standing in her way.

"Sir! Get away fro..."

"I can handle it from here gentlemen." The blond man said as he watched Scarlett, her head tilted slightly as confusion hit her because she felt like she knew this man well. Pain began to sharpen in her head but she raised her gun at him when he began walking closer to her.

"Calm down Scarlett, I won't harm you and neither will they. Just give me your gun and I can explain everything." He said calmly, his voice was soothing and she nearly handed over her weapon but she had a nagging feeling in the back of her mind that was telling her that she couldn't trust him. She shook her head, stepping back, and kept her gun level with his chest.

"Who-who are you? What is going on?" She asked, her voice soft from apparent lack of use, and she watched him warily as he continued to get closer slowly.

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