Chapter 15: Humanity's Strongest Soldier's daughter

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Kris, Mai and Alex explained everything to the rest of the squad. After telling them, the others whom the past people didn't know was introduced. They found out that the girl with blonde hair was Vina and she was the daughter of who seems to be Porco and Pieck. The girl's name who was said to be Levi's daughter is named Lisabellan
(Lisabel= Levi and Isabel Magnolia and "an" for Farlan Church) and they already knew who Shavvy Springer was obviously ( "Sha= Sasha and "vvy= Gabi)

"Alright so you're expecting me to hide this?" Asked Lisa looking at the rest of the squad

"Yes Vice-Captain" Kris said in a small voice

"Tch, fine" said Lisa as she turned around and went on making tea

Kris was to overjoyed to even care Lisa said that rudely, and so was the others

"AHHHH THANK YOU LISA-SENPAI!!" said Shavvy running to her "YOU'RE THE BEST!!"

Shavvy took her hand and jumped up and down causing Lisa to almost stumble

"ARE YOU OUT OF YOUR MARBLES POTATO GIRL?!?" said Lisa trying to shove the overjoyed Shavvy

It took the squad including the past people to calm Shavvy down

"Who brought you here anyway" said Lisa looking at the past people while handing them tea

"Uhmm a boy named Mite" said Eren who was the victim here "With a white flower"

"Tch, gaahh i hate Kirsteins" said Lisa looking at Mai

"Oi! Mite is your cousin!!" Said Mai shouting at Lisa

"Third degree cousins" said Lisa rolling her eyes

"How are you cousins again?" Asked Armin eying Lisa and Mai

"My dad and her mom are cousins, so that makes us cousins too" said Mai "So, sadly its true"

"Okay but Lisa whose your mom?" Asked Hange looking really excited for a mini Ackerman

"...Petra Ral"

Into the Future: Attack on TitanOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz