it all starts Part 5

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******Naruto P.O.V*****

 well this was no good I said I would go home. I didn't am at some fair. . . and this is how a came to hate fairs.

^there is so much to do wow I want to do it all hmm were do I start^ . I knew that some one was fowling me. who cares am at a fair I go to the fisted rid I see. ^hell rid hmm sounds fun^. I had to wait in a line for 14 mins. the rid was so fasted so it was worth it. then I went to the snack bar. their was a guy named Kakashi there he give me a snack. he knew Sasuke so they was most likely friends. well when I drunk the drink I was out cold.  when I woke up I was at Sasuke's room. or what I thought was because Sasuke was there but it was not his room. there was gun shots then it was quit. I set there in a dais trying to under stand it all. then it hit me that man was not Kakashi. I had seen Kakashi and Iruka one time. that was not him.  I looked around the door moved. I turned into a fox and went under the bed. I saw two feet. they looked like Sasuke but I was not sure so I stayed still.   Then the bed moved I was not the person to run but I did. a little to fasted I hit the wall I was out cold. when i woke up for the second time. I was still a fox but I was on Sasuke lab. Sasuke was petting me. I started to purr. then a tear fell from his eye. this was new. I want into my hummin form. I was still on his lab but why was he crying. "Sasuke what's wrong " Sasuke looked up at me then said "you have been out cold for a week"

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