Chapter Six- Joke

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Steve-O and I sat on my couch as we finished up breakfast. I don't think I had ever made so much food within two hours in my life. It's amazing that the house didn't burn down in the process of making all that food. I stood up, offering to take 'O's plate. He smiled sweetly at me when I did so and stood up, taking my plate from me.

"I'll take care of it; it's the least I can do." He said as I tried to grab my plate back. I stopped and raised a brow at him. He put his hand on my shoulder for me to sit back down of the couch. I let out a sarcastic sigh and watched as he left the room. The sink turned on and about a moment later everything was silent again and he appeared in the doorway of the living room and the kitchen.

"Did you have fun?" I asked, looking over at him. His eyes wandered around my house, then rested on me. He smirked a bit and I rolled my eyes.

"I had a lot of fun." He chucked softly and came back over to sit by me.

"Of course you did." I said sarcastically, laughing afterwards. I looked down at the white rug under my toes on my hardwood floor, trying not to make too much eye contact. I was already extremely comfortable with 'O, but too much eye contact was just awkward. Maybe I was being paranoid? Who knows.

He laughed and looked over at me as if he was trying to think of what to talk about. "What shall we do today, gorgeous?" He asked sweetly with a hint of laughter in his voice. I smiled to myself and thought for a moment.

"Well, we can sit around and be lazy bums, as usual." I shrugged. "I don't know. Maybe we can watch Netflix?" I asked, unsure what his response would be.

He thought for a moment and a wide smile pulled at the corners of his mouth, followed by a slow nod. "You know, that sounds great! I'm down, but no sappy romance movies." He laughed.

I laughed with him and shook my head, grabbing my TV remote and Playstation controller. Within two minutes, I had Netflix pulled up and ready to go. "I was thinking Family Guy?" I smiled slightly and looked over at him for confirmation. His eyes met mine and for some odd reason I could feel myself blushing. I looked away quickly, staring down the controller in my hands while waiting for his response.

"Family Guy sounds great, actually." He sat back a bit, his eyes now on the TV. I felt his arm slip around me and then the butterflies started floating around in my stomach. I couldn't hold back my smile when he did that, but I tried my best not to let him see it. After the first episode finished playing, I was cuddled up to Steve-O's side. I gotta say, even for a skinny guy, he was still a pretty darn comfortable pillow. We watched episode after episode and completely lost track of time laughing together over the corniest little jokes. I yawned and stretched a bit. It was already 2:00 PM. I wasn't aware that that much time has passed by. I went to stretch, when my back let out a huge cracking noise.

"Ow!" I exclaimed, wincing in pain and immediately grabbing my back. 'O jumped, concern all over his face.

"Are you alright?" He asked, gently brushing his hand up and down my back, trying his best not to hurt me. I nodded with one of my hands still on my back.

"I'm so tired and now my back is killing me.." I groaned. I went to stand up but it hurt too much.

"Here.." He whispered quietly before carefully picking me up. He carried me into my room and laid me down slowly on my bed. "Want me to try to fix it? I've done this shit about a million times." I nodded and he got up onto the bed. "This may be a little awkward but trust me, it works. Just turn over and I'll fix it." I nodded and turned over, laying on my stomach with my hands at my sides. He stood over me and rested his hands each side of my spine on my lower back. "Take a deep breath." He said quietly. When I went to exhale, he jolted down and popped my back. I heard all the cracks in my vertebrae and automatically felt better. I let out a sigh of relief, but my back was sore everywhere. "You good?" He asked, now sitting beside me.

I nodded. "My back's still a little sore, but it's fine. Thank you so much, 'O." I smiled at him and closed my eyes.

"Want a back massage?" He asked, laughing slightly. My eyes flew open and I sat up slightly.

"You do back massages?" I asked, curiously. He nodded in return. "Please." I said with a small chuckle. I slowly laid back down and closed my eyes again. A moment later, I could feel his hands on my back- and oh my god did it feel great. I swear that had to have been the best back massage I had received in my entire life. Then he did something that tickled and I squealed.

"You're ticklish?" He looked at me, amusement plastered all over his face.

I hesitated. "Uh, no."

I gave it away. He had this freakish smile on his face and I quickly turned over, only to expose my stomach. He struck there first and before I knew it I was out of breath from laughing so hard. I tried my best get him to stop but he wouldn't. I finally ended up begging him to stop and by then he was face to face with me. I was still laughing a bit before our eyes locked on each others. Damn, were his eyes gorgeous... He started to slowly lean in after a moment, and before I even realized it, I found myself doing the same thing....

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