Let the Games Begin

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  The doors to the Great Hall opened with a bang showing one Henri Regulus Noir walking briskly towards the stool and sorting hat. On his way there, he spotted a few appreciative looks and blushes, some speculative murmurs but he didn't deign them worthy of a response. He sat down on the stool and allowed the hat to fall onto his head. He didn't even startle or flinch at the voice at the voice that entered his mind.

"Hello Mr. Noir, or should I say," the hat paused for dramatic effect even if his only audience was Harry. "Potter?"

"Don't call me Potter!" Harry snapped cruelly. "I may have taken up the Lordship in my time, but that was to ensure no one else in my biological family would have power over me."

"Oh yes, even then, you went by Black amongst your friends whilst the world still thought you a Potter. You had them all fooled" the hat began to laugh rather loudly in his mind that Harry was surprised the Great Hall hadn't heard it as well.

"Sorry hat, but I can't be in Slytherin at this point in time either."

"Oh, is that so?"


"Humour me with a good reason then."

"Albus Dumbledore" Harry stated plainly.

"How is that a reason?"

"How is that not a reason?"

"Explain to me how that is a reason."

"Explain to me how that is not a reason."

"That doesn't make sense."

"You asked for a reason, I gave you a reason."


"The answer is in my mind you old man."

"Respect your elders child" the hat said with no malice.

"And care for the young, old sir."

"I may be old but I am wise."

"You remind me of the old man wearing nastily decorated robes pretending to be everyone's grandfather" Harry said as he conjured an image of Dumbledore doing all sorts of odd things in his mind. The actions ranged from eating lemon drops to doing the chicken dance for Fawkes.

"That was absolutely vile."

"I know, that's why I showed it."

"Vindictive Slytherin"

"I'm the heir of Gryffindor in this time" Harry pointed out.

"So you want to go into Gryffindor again?" the hat asked exasperated.

"Do I need to get Salazar Slytherin to renew the enchantment on you old sir? You're losing the Slytherin brand of intelligence" Harry commented drily.

"No, don't you dare"

"I could get the heir of Slytherin to do it."

"Considering who he became in your time, I find myself somewhat sceptical of your ability to do so."

'Wanna bet?" Harry asked.

"Did you just try and make a bet with an old hat?"

"Yes, are you daft?"

"Respect your elders, young man."

"And care for the young, old man. I'm telling you now though, Gryffindor wouldn't do me any good."

"Then what house would you like to be sorted into, child?"


"The House where everyone would underestimate you. Hmm I do see the merits of such."

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