Yet because of that they were often very competitive, yet this time around it was different. The two top male stars from both organisations would film together today. Harry had cursed loudly when he heard this.

Tom Riddle... he always had a crush on the other male, but to actually have sex with him, was almost like a dream come true. Tom could quite easily play with his partners, bringing them to the edge of orgasm and back.

Stories were told that the male was a master at sucking cock and his hands were almost magical that could bring so much pleasure.

So of course Harry was nervous, but he couldn't back down now. He had agreed to this too after all. He had no idea how many series or videos they were gonna shoot together, but secretly he hoped a lot. He could get closer to Tom Riddle then, even though people often said that he was a kind of loner.

Harry could see that, as his eyes went back to the brown-haired male. The black satin robe flowed over his body and Harry wondered if he was already nude underneath it.

Harry suppressed a sigh as he looked at the set, which resembled a hotel room. It was nearly finished now. "You're far braver than me..." Ron whispered softly.

Harry snorted. "You don't even like the looks of Tom Riddle." Harry muttered back and Ron laughed.

"No, I prefer that he never touches me." Ron said. Harry was grateful that his friend was here, it helped ease the nerves, even for a little bit.

"Attention!!" A voice screamed and Harry looked at the person who now held everyone's attention. It was the Ceo of Death Eater, a man named Gellert Grindelwald if Harry wasn't mistaking. Albus Dumbledore was standing next to him, smiling at them all. "The set is almost ready, so everyone finish the last tasks and Tom and Mr. Potter get ready as well."

Harry felt the nerves flutter through him at those words and his eyes met Tom's once more. The brown-haired male smiled at him and with courage that he didn't quite feel he made his way to the other male, after saying goodbye to Ron.

"Hello, Mr. Potter." Tom said in greeting when he got close enough. Harry ignored his beating heart, which seemed like it was trying to break out of his chest.

"Hello..." He muttered. He saw Tom's eyes glance over him, as if seeing him for the first time, but when their eyes met again Tom's smile widened. "I must say, your videos don't do you any justice." Tom whispered silkily.

Harry tried, he really tried fighting down his blush, but he knew he failed when his face heat up anyway. "I could say the same..." Harry whispered back, eyes staring intently at Tom's.

Tom chuckled lowly. "I think we will get along just fine, won't we Harry?" The way Tom almost seemed to purr his name only made Harry's cock twitch in obvious interest.

Harry inwardly cursed however, if only the male's voice was able to already bring him in such a state. "Y-yes." Harry got out and Tom seemed rather amused or pleased. Harry couldn't quite read the other's expression.

"Set is ready! Actors please take your places." Albus screamed through the megaphone. Tom and Harry both winced, since Albus wasn't that far away from them and Tom sent a quick glare to the elder male, who merely smiled and walked away.

Harry gathered all his courage and walked over to the bed. Cameras were placed all around them and he shrugged off his shirt, pulling it over his head. Ron had come up to them and he handed it over to his friend. He also made to move and remove his pants, but hands stopped him.

Harry looked up at Tom, who merely smiled at him. The other male was already completely naked and Harry swallowed audibly, as he fought himself not to look to far down yet.

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