The Beginning

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 Beep Beep Beep

A hand as though it wasn't attached to anything, appears from a bushel of fuzzy Sherpa and zebra print blankets. Sleepily slapping around trying to stop the alarm from buzzing and waking up my entire family I miss every time. After about 5-10 slaps and a new occurring bruise on my hand, I finally hit the alarm so it stops. Fighting the siren like tempted urges to fall back asleep, I roll over , my vision blurry from just opening my eyes. I give my eyes the eye rub that everyone does in the morning, and blink a few times to let my vision adjust. Eventually I could make out the red glowing letters of my clock to read 6:30 Too early I say in my head. Letting out a big sigh, I proceed to fumble my way to sitting with my legs draping off the bed. The heat from my vent brushes across my ankles which show due to the fact my pants are too short. With my head hanging low and my life-less like arms dangling from the side, I gently slide off my bed onto the floor. The feeling of my toes being intertwined with the hairs of my faux fur décor rug, gives me hope that it's gonna be a good day. I sluggishly maneuver my way over to look out my window. Not a single ray of sunshine shines through my curtains. The only light source is a couple of flickering street lamps that you can tell are just crying out to be fixed, and of course the dim light from the moon. The only form of life you can see is an alley cat running around between houses hunting for leftover scrapes. No matter how many times I beg my parents to let me take in the cat, they always say no. I ask why and it's the same thing over and over again. My dad is allergic and my mom just hates cats, which I can't even see why, she has never given any animal beside a Pomeranian dog a chance. A light breeze passes through the cracks of my window, sending chills down my spine. I let out another sigh and walk to my closet. Quietly opening the door, I grab my usual outfit, sweatshirt and leggings. I make my way to the bathroom to brush my teeth and hair before walking downstairs. In the kitchen I find my lunchbox sitting on the counter with a note from my mom. Have a great day at school sweetie, I love you I read quietly to myself. I put the note in my backpack pocket along with the other 3000 I have. My mom writes me a new note everyday, to remind me that someone will always love me. She said it is what her mom did for her, and she was so grateful of it, that she decided she would do the same. I am literally the only person in my school who brings lunches everyday, everyone else buys for some reason, but it means a lot to me. I put my lunchbox in my bag, grab an apple, throw my high tops and my headphones on then proceed to walk out the door. On my way to school, I pass a person dragging their back leg, and letting out groaning noises. I remove my headphones and say: "Is everything okay mam?" When the only response I get is a groan, I examine her outfit. She was wearing a tight black dress, her hair up in a bun, with 2 white heels. One of which seemed to be broken. She must've been out celebrating something. I shrugged my shoulders and put my headphones back on, and continued on my way to school. Since I only live like 3 blocks away from my school, I manage to get there before the buses. I stand at the front entrance, greeted by a staircase. The sign of Northbrooke High School greets me with the slogan "Where learning begins, and fun never ends." I walk up the flight of stairs to the main entrance, opening the doors I step into a warmly lit lobby. I walk my way to my locker and drop my coat off, I glance to my locker door and see a photo of my dog Hunter. He was a German shepherd so I was covered in his fur when my mom surprised me with that photo. I let out a half smile, kiss my fingers, and touch the photo. My locker makes a loud creaking sound as I shut it.

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