Prosthetic wings (Angstish...?)

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Requested by @Firestar11025

I'm sorry for being slow and inactive, not only have I not had many ideas but my motivation kinda flopped, I'm just glad I finally finished this one, this doesn't mean I'm discontinuing the book, I'm just saying posts won't be quick.

Philza grinned brightly as he hugged Technoblade tightly "Alright mate, I gotta go get ready" He said, pulling away from the young Piglin. Every year Philza participated in a charity race, If you had wings and or elytra, you can join. Philza was well known, not only as a good hardcore player but also as a great flyer. He was almost always in the top three and it had begun getting to the point where he would get recognised on the street.

Technoblade nodded and was about to say something when he was rudely interrupted by a little gremlin named Tommy, "Go kick their asses!" He yelled "Shut up, you little insect! It's a charity event, not a life or death situation! People are staring" Wilbur growled, he wasn't wrong, a couple of people did glance over at them, but it's not like Tommy could care. Plus the boys silly banter was making Philza laugh. "Alright, Alright, I'm gonna get ready, hope you enjoy watching the race!" He said, walking off to the other racers and out of sight.

Soon the racers came back into view, heading straight to the starting line in front of the crowd which caused the three boys to frown, Philza was nowhere to be seen. The race was about to start and it wasn't like Philza to just disappear into thin air. "Where's Phil?" Techno asked if reading the other boy's minds, Wilbur shrugged and Tommy was too busy looking for Philza to answer, "Don't tell me big man has backed down! I was looking forward to seeing him leave these bitches in the dust!" Tommy said and Techno sighed, He stood up and quickly scanned the area before speaking aloud. "I'm going to check on Philza, make sure he hasn't trapped his wing in the doorway" He walked off to look for Philza.

Technoblade looked around before finding Philza, his eyes widened when he saw him, he was leaning against a tree with broken and battered wings,

"Shit... Phil!" He yelled, crouching down in front of his best friend, Philza didn't seem to be conscious, He quickly searched through his pockets only to realise his phone wasn't on him, He cursed Tommy for being so annoying yet easy distracted by Phones. "Don't worry Phil, I'll get help..." he mumbled, ignoring every voice that chanted for blood. Their voices seemingly merging into one, all begging for Vengeance. He tried his best to ignore them as he stood up and booked it towards the race, the voices getting worse as he got closer to civilisation, the chants turning into screams, demands for blood turned into orders to go back, to go to Philza, Insults were thrown left, right and centre towards the piglin, to go back and help him, but Techno ignored them, knowing there was nothing he could do to help the poor man.

He soon got back to the race and started yelling for help, directing a lot of attention to himself from confused and worried bystanders who quickly leaned a hand to help. Quickly an ambulance was called for Philza along with the police.

Phil's smiled as Techno, Wilbur and Tommy walked into the room, no one said a word, the air was thick as no one knew what to say. The silence forced Philza's smile into a sympathetic frown, suddenly Tommy spoke up "Phil... Are you okay?" He asked, Tommy was a loud boy with a mouth so foul that it made BadBoyHalo shake in fear, but that was only a persona. If you knew him personally, you would know that he was an incredibly sweet boy with his own fears and insecurities. He may have a stupid persona, but he was quite smart for his age. He was sympathetic and calm and when to act sensible.

Philza nodded "I'm fine, Tommy" Philza watched as Tommy walked over to the hospital bed and climbs onto it, hugging Philza tightly, Philza smiled softly and hugged him back "Tommy, I'm alright" He then heard a slight chuckle come from Wilbur, "How ironic, you had to have your wings... you know, amputated because you were attacked at a disability awareness event," He said, trying to lighten the mood, Philza nodded, a small smile creeping onto his face "I guess you're kinda right mate, It is a little ironic" He smiled though it was short-lived as he looked away from the three boys. "I guess my racing days are over..." He mumbled, as soon as he finished the sentence he felt Tommy hug him tighter, Techno finally spoke, "Phil listen, I'm not gonna sugar coat it, you're right, without your wings your not racing and sorry, but your old man legs aren't gonna take you very far" Techno said causing Philza to laugh "I may have old man legs, but I can still kick your ass!" He replied while Wilbur rolled his eyes "Yeah right," He said as Tommy burst out laughing. "Alright, Alright, shut up brats, I'm speaking," Techno said before carrying on with his mini-speech "you may not be able to fly, but you're still a great hardcore player and an even better explorer! You have amazing interests as well, therefore you can still have fun, plus at least now you won't fly into any windows" He said causing the others to laugh "He's got a point Phil" Wilbur said causing Tommy to follow up with "Yeah, those poor windows" which just made them laugh harder.

It had been a couple of years since Philza lost his wings and he had gotten used to having them. He never realised how much he actually relied on his wings in his day to day life. From reaching tall places to sheltering himself from the rain, Philza could no longer use them, sometimes he forgot he didn't have them which made some funny yet embarrassing situations for the crow father, Tommy found it especially funny when Philza would ask the surprisingly athletic and flexible child to parkcore up onto the side to reach something after years of telling the annoying child to stop climbing on the sides. Tommy enjoyed every second of it, though there was one thing that Tommy, Techno and Wilbur could all agree on was the fact that they had more time with their eldest friend, as Philza was no longer participating in races every other week and therefore had more time for the people around him. Which made everyone happier though Philza had noticed something about Technoblade. He was acting strange, he had boarded off the basement, claiming there was a leak, but no one ever came round to fix it and Philza swore that he saw Technoblade sneak down there a couple of times, he would also disappear for long periods of time and then would wake up in the morning incredibly tired as if he hadn't slept.

One night Philza woke up when he heard someone sneaking around the house, he sighed as he realised that Tommy had awoken and gone to steal food from the kitchen. He got up and grabbed his dressing gown, putting it on and venturing down the stairs to catch the dirty crime boy in the act, but as he searched for him, there was no one there. He kept looking around and soon realised that the basement door was open and no longer locked. He walked over to the door and opened it wider, he noticed that the Basement lights were, so he walked down the stairs.

When he got to the bottom of the stairs he shivered slightly, wrapping his dressing-gown tighter around himself in the freezing basement. He looked around the room until his eyes landed on Technoblade. He was about to say something when Technoblade sighed slightly and stood up before he could do anything else Philza spoke "Techno? What are you doing here?" He asked causing Techno to jump slightly and turn to stare at Philza "Oh...Phil! What are you doing here?" He questioned but was ignored as Philza walked over to the desk Techno was sitting at, his eyes went wide as he realised what Techno had on his desk.

"Prosthetic wings...?" He mumbled softly as he stared at the contraption on the desk in awe, Techno sighed slightly "Happy early birthday..." He sighed with a small smile, Philza stared at them as his brain slowly registered what Techno had just said, tears started rolling down his face as he realised who they were for "Wait...? These are for me...?" He asked in disbelief as Techno slowly nodded. Techno walked up to his tearful friend, He hugged him tightly "They're for you, I just finished them" Techno said, as he kept hugging him. Philza looked at him "Can I try them out, like now?" He asked with a hopeful look in his eyes and Techno nodded "Of course, Let me teach you how to use them" He chuckled, watching his eyes light up with joy.

It had been a couple of hours, Philza was slowly learning how to use his new wings, he wasn't able to get that high off the ground, but he definitely forgot how much he loved flying.

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