3) Disappear

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Oh, how I want to disappear

But, I don't want to upset anyone

Or cause panic and fear

I don't want anyone to come looking

Desperately trying to find someone

Who went missing on their own accord

Who wished fervently that everyone

Forgot of their existence

All for some peace and quiet

All for some time alone

Oh, how I wish everyone forgot my name

And rendered it unknown

No more errands

No more scolding

I believe my life would be better

Without those things dragging me down

Without those things dragging me down

Down into the inescapable depths of stress

Into anger, into despair, into uselessness

Into a sea of tears

Not again, never again

I refuse to sail into that sea

The thrashing, the screaming, the crying

I don't want to repeat history

I remember trying to hold onto something

But, no matter how far I reached

I could never find anything

I could never find solidarity

I remember screaming

Into the far distance

Past the mountains and orange horizon

But no one heard me

No one heard my pleas and cries for help

Everyone disappeared 

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