Sadly, Brandon is working on his next album, which by the way the last one was very successful. Even though I'm happy he's doing what he loves, I still wish he was here.

After about ten minutes I finally figure out what's wrong. She wanted her diaper changed.

"Oh my gosh, Braylie. Are you okay now?" I feel so stupid for not knowing what was wrong with her. All she does is drink from her bottle in response, which she gladly excepted after the diaper change.

I lay her down in the crib and call Mariana. She answers on the second ring.

"Hey Callie! Can I see Braylie again? I just miss her so much!"

I laugh at her enthusiasm. "Actually, can you watch her tonight? Brandon and I are going on a date for the first time since I found out I was pregnant. I hope you don't mind-"

She automatically agrees and tells me to drop her off any time I want. I tell her five, which is in two hours.

I take the time to get dressed up, which I haven't done in a very long time. I've certainly gained a little weight, but just a pound. I still look the same as ever, except I probably have bags under my eyes, but what mother doesn't?

I pick out a white summer dress with white converse. No way I'm wearing heels, I've gone through enough trouble already. I curl my hair to get an extra wavy effect. After applying a little bit of make-up, I actually feel presentable. Which is what Brandon says when he gets home.

"Wow, Callie, you look beautiful," he says pulling me into a kiss.

I blush, thanking him, and go get Braylies things ready. When I'm done packing, I see that it's 4:59, and rush to put Braylie in her car seat. Brandon comes outside looking as good as ever, rushing to start the car.

We drop Braylie off at the Fosters home, where Stef and Lena quickly come out of the house exited. Mariana trails quickly behind them, saying it's her job.

They don't even say hi to us, they just cuddle Braylie.

I roll my eyes. "Hi. I mean did you even acknowledge us?" I laugh.

They laugh, too, and quickly give me and Brandon a hug through the window. "So is it fun being adults now?" Lena asks, leaning on the rolled down window on my side. Stef is doing the same thing, but by Brandon.

"It's pretty hard, but once she's grown up I'll be able to start photography and by then Brandon will most-likely be famous, so our adulthood is pretty great." I reply, twiddling my thumbs. I'm not sure about the last part.

"Mhmm, well not every one gets it this easy. Your lucky you have Robert and his wife. Also, your lucky to have little-miss-babysitter over there," Stef points over to Mariana leading Braylie inside. "Gosh, and that girl has school tommorow. She'll probably insist on Braylie staying the night..."

I forgot school had started back. "Oh. We will pick her up. I mean, I want her back home." I say honestly. She might be the cause of me getting almost no sleep, but I miss her when we are apart. "Well be back at 10, bye moms."

We drive off to a surprise date. Brandon insisted on surprising me, which I guess is romantic, but surprises aren't my thing. I've had enough of them to last for a lifetime.

We end up pulling up to the place Mariana had her 15th birthday party. I remember Brandon and I dancing even though Talya didn't want us to. It was the beginning of our relationship.

I hold his hand and he pulls me closer. "I rented the whole place out for for ourselves. I have something to tell you, actually." I nod my head, still thinking about our first dance.

We go inside where a single table is placed in the middle. The candles cast a flickering light that makes me feel calm. I don't know why, but I just like candles.

Brandon leads me over to the table where we have a nice dinner of hamburgers, because honestly I'm not into fancy food and he knows that.

After the dinner, I assume it's over, but he shakes his head. "Come on," he says, leading me to the dance floor.

There is a piano there and he begins playing a familiar tune. He notions me to sit down.

As he's playing, he whispers in my ear. "I miss spending time with you, so I wanted to make this special,"

He then begins singing a song. Not just any song, our song.

"I think we might be outlaws..." He begins.

I decide to sing with him.

"I think we might be in love,"

Then we sing to together.

"Cause I'm all out of reasons, like seasons. Winter, summer, fall, they're all washed up when your still way over there. Maybe slide on in by my side. I'm just an outlaw, wanted. If you want me. I'll love you everyday and every night."

By then I'm in tears, and then we are kissing. He pulls me closer and I feel passion between us like never before. He sings that song to me all the time, but I've missed our moments by ourselves. Now we are together. He's all that matters. He cups my cheeks and I pull him closer. When he finally pulls away, he smiles at me.

Then, he does something I hadn't even thought about yet. He bends down on one knee and says something I'll never forget.

"Callie, will you marry me?"

And then, of course, I say in response.



Woah! This chapter wasn't part of my original plan, but it's about time! I had forgot about marriage, and so did Callie with all the craziness of starting a family. Thanks to my two real life friends, Nancy and Anaya, for reading my fanfiction! I have some drama coming in the near future😈

(Unedited Chapter)

Bye Lovelies!

The Fosters: A Brallie StoryWhere stories live. Discover now