Chapter 6

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I see Wyatt everyday first period now, but I just ignore him. I have bigger things to worry about. Like how that Brandon is going to a big piano thing for a whole month this summer, which is in a little over a week.

Also, a few days before he leaves it is my birthday. His was a few weeks ago, and he had a pretty nice party. I'm so excited to officially be an adult. I've grown to love the Quins almost as much as I love the Fosters, but I can't wait to finally be independent.

This was always the time Brandon and I were waiting for. When we could be together without hiding it. Now, it isn't even necessary. But some people still don't support us.

~two months after court~

People are whispering my name in the hallways. They are all talking about incest, which is ludicrous. Brandon and I are not blood and we were never officially considered brother and sister. But that doesn't seem to stop the gossip.

Brandon and I announced our relationship to our family first. Mariana was shocked, but felt stupid for not knowing I still loved him. It was amazing how they'd never realized we still weren't over each other. Jude, on the other hand, wasn't surprised at all. He was the first person to notice our love for each other. He didn't care much, though. He was still dealing with me living with the Quins. Stef and Lena didn't seem to mind. They were familiar with love that wasn't socially acceptable by a lot of people. Thankfully, it all went smoothly, the thing we were hoping for.

But now I have to deal with the people who think they know it all, even if they don't understand the half of it. The drama doesn't stop me from holding Brandon's hand in public or showing any other PDA. I love him and I honestly don't care what people think. On the other hand, Anchor Beach does.

"It's bad for our image!"

"How do we get grants with those student go to our school?"

"We have to kick them out..."

"It's not a bad thing to me, but just think of the money we might loose!"

That's what is going around with the teachers. I'm sure it will die down after a few months, but it hurts me to know that the school thinks of us that way, when I never was his actual sister.

Whatever it takes, I will not let Brandon slip away from me because of some side comments.


Brandon and I still don't care what people think. They need to learn how to mind there own damn business.

All I can hope for is that Brandon has a great experience on his trip. And that his love doesn't fade as time passes.


Not my best chapter, but next chapter I have something special planned. This book might not last too long for certain reasons. Or I might decide to continue...even if something happens! Thanks for reading😘😘😘

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