Chapter 2

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After awhile of thinking, I decide to get up from the couch. It's hard to comprehend what just happend. Why did Brandon just spill out his feelings for me? I already knew he still had some, but I thought he was recovering. But then again, I thought I was too, but was I really?

The hardest decision is should I go talk to him, or should I go think about it in first? Maybe both. But we wouldn't have all day. Soon enough everyone would be returning, which wouldn't be an ideal time to talk about our feelings.

I don't think I need to think about my feelings, though. I know what I feel. I still love him, and he loves me. We are both having the same issue. Obviously I need to talk to him.

Arriving at his door, I don't even knock. I barge in and sit on his bed where he is currently staring at the ceiling. I sit dangerously close to him, but who cares? It's just us here. He sits up and gives me a fake smile. Then he gets serious. "Look I'm sorry, I didn't mean to put that all on you out of no where. It was really stupid of me. I know you have probably moved on." He looks so ashamed of himself, it nearly breaks my heart.

I grab his hand which seems to startle the mess out of him. I nearly laugh at his astonishment. "Look, Brandon, I know you know I still have feelings for you. I'm tired of keeping them inside, but we can't do this right now. My dad is trying to get custody, and my life's pretty crazy and so is yours so let's not act in the moment, okay?" He looks at me like I'm the most beautiful girl in the world. I nearly melt under his stare. I want him so badly right now it hurts. He listened to my every word, I know this for sure, but he still leans in for a kiss. I close my eyes, preparing to dive into a kiss that will clear my thoughts when I hear the door opening.

Brandon and I pull a part quickly and I run to my room. I hear Brandon shuffle to his piano and begin practicing his music. Meanwhile, I quickly grab a history book and jump on my bed. I flip to a page noticing my book is upside down in my lap and quickly turn it around. Someone begins to open my door and I try my hardest to act casual. It's Lena.

When she sees me "studying" she beams. "Well, look who decided to study on Spring Break. I'm so proud! I just came to tell you we are going to be a little late. We have to discuss some...things with Ana. But, anyways, we will all be back around 5. Jude should be here in about ten minutes. Ok love you! Let me go tell Brandon." She then exits the room and I finally let go of my breath. That was extremely awkward for me.

When I hear Lena leave I get up and poke my head out my door. I can hear Brandon talking to someone on the phone. The only words I hear are don't come and I'm sorry. When he hangs up, I enter his room. He walks over to the door and closes it.

"Look, Lou is coming over. She thinks I broke up with her for different reasons. Can you just pretend your not here? She refuses to talk to me over phone." He says. I wonder what is going on in Lou's mind. She's probably really confused and heart broken. They really could've had something if I never would've come. Then again, there was Talya and Jude wouldn't be here either.

When Lou arrives I go into my room again. I decide to take a few pictures with my new camera my dad bought me. It isn't that expensive, but he still shouldn't have bought it for me.

But whatever, It's still better than my phone's camera. I try not to overhear their conversation while I focus on taking pictures of our backyard, but it's sort of hard not to hear.

Lou's voice is very audible. I hear her screaming stuff about how it shouldn't matter if she's going on tour. Brandon keeps trying to tell her that's not why, but she is stuck on that idea. Finally Brandon has to let it out.

"I'm in love with someone else! I like you a lot, trust me, but I went out with a girl before you, and I'm not over her! So just leave!" He says. I can just see the hurt on her face, probably feeling about the same way that I did when Brandon told me it's was over.

I hear a lot of door slamming after that. When I'm positive she's gone, I walk in to find Brandon sitting on the couch again. This time he's not on his phone, though. I go sit next to him for the second time and just sit there in silence. It's been a crazy start for Spring Break.

After sitting for a few minutes, Jude walks in the door. He gives us a strange look, but then just shrugs and sits next to me. I put my arms around him and give him a huge hug.

"So, why are we just sitting here?" Jude says after a little while. I look over at him and laugh. I just shake my head. "It's been a boring day," I tease. He doesn't seem to think much of it, thankfully. I give Brandon one last glance. The drama is over for the day.

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