🌐🌎🌍🌏The Future Of Earth Left Uncertain🌎🌍🌏🌐

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Ndoye stares in shock as a cyan colored woman holding two one and a half year old children in her arms appears on the Bridge just as her people goes to attack the Raiders and ends up hitting the Discovery instead and the explosion that appeared be...

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Ndoye stares in shock as a cyan colored woman holding two one and a half year old children in her arms appears on the Bridge just as her people goes to attack the Raiders and ends up hitting the Discovery instead and the explosion that appeared behind her seemed to suck itself right back into the wall "who the hell are you and how did you do that!?!"  Ndoye asks Saru turns and sees his wife standing where the black woman was staring in shock "sir, we've lost Shields"  Owo reports "we're not miracle workers you know we can only do so much!"  Kehau teasingly coos as she walk over to her husband and stands next to him as he sits in the Captain's Chair "divert all non-essential power, get them restored as quickly as possible"  Saru orders "I asked you a question!"  Ndoye says to Kehau with a demanding tone "and I chose to ignore it! in case you haven't noticed we have more important things to worry about than who does and doesn't belong on the Bridge and you.... are not my Captain! be grateful I didn't send it back completely or YOU would be the one who lost people!"  Kehau replies unblinkingly looking the dark skinned woman in the eyes "you're Trill is quite naughty though!"  she adds with a much softer tone Ndoye looks at her oddly but nothing more was said about anything for the attention was brought back to the battle ahead "Raiders are charging their Phasers and getting ready to fire back"  Rhys reports "United Earth has a standing order to take them down if they have to go through you to stop Wen they will"  Ndoye tells Saru "time to fight or die Captain"  Georgiou says "Earth is preparing to fire again"  Rhys reports "don't you dare!"  Saru tells his wife through his teeth "who doesn't love to feel the burn!?!"  she teases back he looks up at her with narrowed eyes and she chuckles then says "the way I see it husband is that you have very few choices, do what you believe is right no matter what other people tell you!"  Saru's heart flutters at the sound of her calling him "husband" which he knew was the effect she was expecting "come around again, Lieutenant"  Saru orders Keyla Keyla looks at Kehau who nods at her Keyla sighs but does as ordered as Owo reports "Booker's ship just cloaked itself"  Rhys reports "Captian, Raiders are powering down weapons"  after a short pause Ndoye says "Wen has never backed away before"  Georgiou says "perhaps they met an unstoppable force"  Saru says to Ndoye "tell your people to stand down"  Ndoye replies "not until I'm certain that--"  just then the Turbolift doors open and they hear Michael say "special delivery"  everyone turns to face the newcomers and Kehau whispers softly "he's human!?!.... and full of sorrow he's lost so much!"  Saru looks at her curiously for all he saw was a metal looking alien he's never seen before but his wife has never steered him wrong before so if she says he's human then he knew it to be true and figured that the man was wearing a mask to disguise himself after speaking Kehau and her children disappear hoping that the danger they once faced was finally over.... for now.... and they really needed to rest after getting rid of the explosion.... after dealing with Earth's Captian and Wen Saru finds out what his wife meant by "you're Trill is quite naughty though!" when he meets the young one who is a Trill symbiont and the Admiral he and his crew were looking for.... after Book leaves Michael finds Kehau in the place she figured she'd be with her children her garden "well you're not who we expected but perhaps we could show you before we show him"  Kehau says when she senses her friends arrival Michael looks at her oddly with a tilt of her head then sees two children who look more their age start to walk towards her "if you're going where I think you're going perhaps you could share this milestone with him!"  Kehau says as a surprised looking Michael catches the two children as they fall into her arms after she knelt down to their level Michael looks up and nods then picks up Sarek and Lani as she stands up and they walk out of the garden with Kehau not too far behind....

As he stands before the Viewscreen on the mostly empty with just the essential workers upon it Bridge Saru turns when he hears two children babble "dada!"  and he stares in shock when he sees Michael gently holding his son and daughters hand as they slowly take a few steps out of the Turbolift "I fear they have stolen your moment M!"  Kehau teases from behind her now smiling friend who replies "that's ok"  Saru slowly walks towards them then kneels before his children and gives them a hug whispering into their ears as he kisses the side of their heads "I'm so proud of you!"  Michael wraps her arm around Kehau's waist and gives her a side hug as they watch Saru praise his children affectionately then they look at the sight shown through the viewscreen "that's Starfleet Academy"  Michael says "indeed, or, at least it was"  Saru replies as he stands up taking his children into his arms as he does so "where is everyone?"  Michael asks "I gave them Leave to pay a visit you're welcome to join them"  Saru replies "no I think I'll admire the view from here.... with you four"  Michael replies Saru looks over at her and smiles as his wife wraps her free arm around his waist and lays her head on his arm he hears her chuckle as Lani starts to lightly grip her hair and his smile grows at the sound and sight as Kehau removes her arm from his waist long enough to reach up and take their daughters hand in hers and lightly kiss her fingers then lets it go and once again wraps her arm around his waist.... when Saru had given his crew "five more minutes".... which happened to be more like 10-20 minutes.... he sent his wife and children down to Earth so they could get some much needed REAL fresh air.... a few days later the Discovery ends up going to Trill to see if they can help Adira Tal regain what memories she has lost and in the process hopefully gain the knowledge they so desire about what happened to the Federation.... "why are you coming!?!"  Adira asks Kehau with a curious tone as Kehau stood next to Michael with her children in her arms "we spent over a year without any form of true fresh air and for us that is a bad thing!.... we're not meeting the Trill with you more or less we're.... exploring.... a planet we have never been on and depending on the type of planet.... it would be nice for them to see, feel, sense and smell things they've never been able to before no matter how horrid it may be.... not to mention we got the Captains permission this time!"  Kehau replies Adira chuckles then they all walk onto the shuttle they fly out of the Discovery and onto the planet and Kehau looks around in awe at the beauty of the Jungle like planet as soon as she walks out of it with her children once again in her arms she lowers them to the ground and lets them walk with their hands in hers as they wander around the land and Michael and Adira walk in the opposite direction than they did

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