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3rd POV

In the deep snowy forest of Alaska just 185 miles north of Fairbanks is a cabin of a young lad, this lad's name is Tamaska Wise-Wolf. A young 17 year old male who lives alone, but his quiet life was about to be an adventurous one for fate had plans for the boy.

Currently Tamaska was headed home on his snowmobile until he saw something in the sky. He looked at it and saw the it was headed for the frozen lake not far from his current location.

Soon he heard the crash and went to investigate, about 10 minutes later he came up on the frozen lake and saw a ship of some kind. He went over to see if the pilot has survived the crash.

The ship itself looked like a highly advance small military transport ship. Tamaska knew that the heavy ship would cause the ice of the like to brake so he hopped on the cockpit broke the glass of it by kicking it till it broke.

Tamaska then noticed the pilot was a woman and was wearing white and green armor like those off of mass effect but her helmet was in the form of a cats head it puzzled Tamaska but those questions are for later.

He then brought her to land where his snowmobile is the he went back to the ship to look for other survivers there was two one in black and white armor and one in black and brown armor. Tamaska made trips to save the two and went back to see if any of the equipment and gear was salvageable.

Tamaska found some weapons and a small beacon like device but he didn't know how to use it.

He then felt the ice about to gave so he got the gear and high tailed it back to his snowmobile.

He looked back and saw the frozen lake break and the ship sank to the bottom of the lake.

It was a good thing Tamaska had his double sleighs with him he put the unconscious alien females in one and the gear in the other, he made sure to cover them up in the warm fur blankets he had with him and made his way back to his cabin.

4 hours later

Myiu POV

Myiu: Ugh... what happen?

I said as I slowly sat up and let my eyes adjust, after a bit I started to look around and saw that I was in some kind of house, a cabin if I'm right. I then looked down and saw that I was now in my armor but in bandages with a lose T-shirt and saw soft pajama pants.

Myiu: Who did this?

I thought then I remembered about Loona and Fay and the whole battle with Andrew's forces with star wolf there they had got a lucky shot on the ship we were on.

I turn to my right and saw Fay and Loona next to me in the same condition as I was. But what puzzled me the most was who the hell tended to our injuries?

I got up to look around I saw a wood rail and stairs, I went on over and saw that I was on the top floor which was the bed room.

I got up to look around I saw a wood rail and stairs, I went on over and saw that I was on the top floor which was the bed room

Ουπς! Αυτή η εικόνα δεν ακολουθεί τους κανόνες περιεχομένου. Για να συνεχίσεις με την δημοσίευση, παρακαλώ αφαίρεσε την ή ανέβασε διαφορετική εικόνα.

Play the ambience!

I then hear the wind outside of the cabin and saw that it was snowing heavily and I also heard a crackling fireplace I looked down and saw a furless ape a short one at that.

I'm not sure what's going on here but I noticed my laser pistol on the nearby shelf I grabbed it and made my way down very quietly and slowly to him.

He was focused on writing in a book from the looks of it but I then pointed gun at his head to where he felt it.

Myiu: Who are you, what are you, and why are me and my friends here?

The guy slowly turned around and I saw his face.... he looked rather young if I'm not mistaken.

Tamaska: My name is Tamaska Wise-Wolf, and I'm the one who not only save you and your friends' lives, I also tended to your wounds. Please don't be mad, I had to remover your armor and clothing to tend to your more servers injuries.

Wait this guy removed our armor and clothing to heal our wounds..... that must mean he.....

Myiu: (get a bit angry) Oh, so that must means you saw our naked bodies right?

Tamaska: If your wondering if I did something inappropriate or any horrible acts to you and your friends then be at ease for I did no such thing. All I did was heal your wounds that's all nothing more nothing less. But if you don't believe me then you may kill me.

I was surprised by this guy's response, he seems like a nice guy.... I'll trust him.... for now.

Myiu: Alright I'll trust you for now.

Myiu said as she lower her gun down and sat in the chair next to Tamaska.

Myiu: I have a few questions if you don't mind.

Tamaska: Very well I shall answer them.

Myiu: First where are we? And what are you?

Tamaska: Earth, and I'm a human.

Myiu: Earth? Never heard of it. And your a human. Second question: Where is our ship?

Tamaska: At the bottom of frozen lake. If I had not got there in time then you and your friends would be dead.

Myiu: Third question: Did you retrieve the distress beacon on board the ship?

Tamaska: Yes ma'am, is on the dresser where the rest of your gear is.

Myiu: Final Question: Just how old are you?

Tamaska: I'm 17 years old.

Myiu: 17!

Myiu said with eyes widened  she was curious as to where Tamaska's parents are.

Myiu: Where's are parents at?

Tamaska looked down in sadness Myiu saw this she wounder if she asked a personal question.

Tamaska: They.... They died when I was only 9 years old, ever since then I been on my own, and I lived alone.

Myiu who now feels like a total bitch for asking a very sad question. She felt bad for Tamaska, she simply wanted to comfort him but she didn't know how to do that with a human.

Loona: Ugh... What the fuck!? Who the fuck took my armor and clothes!?

Myiu: (looks up towards the bed room area) Well, it looks like Loona is wake. And (looks back a Tamaska) She's not gonna be happy when she finds out you saw her naked.

Tamaska: ............

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