It's called basic respect.

Something that kid was clearly lacking.

"What if I just run off the road right now?"

"Then we die," he looked over at me, "I'm regretting letting you drive."

"Don't worry, I won't kill us yet."

"What the fuck do you mean yet?"

"I think we both know what I mean," I don't actually know what I mean.

He doesn't need to know that.

I'm an expert driver now. NASCAR yeah that's me. Fast and the Furious, my sister. Scooter races a close relative.

Vroom vroom bitch.

I was scrolling through Twitter as one does and saw a random post about how a compliment can change a person's life or whatever.

And that's so true.

If someone genuinely thought I had a pretty smile and told me I would marry them on the spot, therefore it would change my life.

I love the fair.

The rides and food are top-tier.

The sexual tension between me and trying deep-fried Coke for the first time is unmatched.


"I say we go on the bungee cord," I looked up at the contraption that dropped you from multiple stories. 


"Are you afraid of heights?"


"I'm scared of sloths if that makes you feel better. But there's only one way to overcome fears. You have to face them that's why if I ever see a sloth in real life I'm going to try not to run away crying," I comforted him.

I grabbed his hand leading him to the line.

He looked around nervously picking at his nail polish, I held onto his hand so he wouldn't mess up my hard work.

As we got closer I squeezed his hand reassuringly, "We don't have to go Lee."

"I want to."

I smiled.

The instructor explained everything to us thoroughly so we wouldn't die and we soon got hoisted into the air as Leo repeated a string of curse words.

"Look, you can see everything," I pointed out to the fair.

"I'm not looking."

We got to the point where Leo had to pull the string or whatever it's called to have us fall and swing, "Just pull it."

"Shut up I am," he responded.

Then we fell.



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