[8] Learning to Fight

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It's been 2 weeks sense I got kidnapped... I look behind me and sweat drop at Gu-En who has been fallowing me all day. "How many times do I have to tell you, I'm fine." I say as I turn around and run at him, jumping over him and running down the hall laughing because I tricked him. He stood there for a good minute before he turned around and started chasing me. I turn the corner and continue to run into the dinning hall were we were originally heading for lunch. I sit at the table as I see Gu-En come running in, I smirk in his direction and grab an apple, biting into it.

"You know. You won't have to protect me all the time if you teach me how to fight." I say before taking another bite of my apple. 

"Nope. Not happening." Shu-Ten says but King Hiryuu speaks up. "Actually. I think that would be a good idea." I look over at him with wide eyes and a smile. "See! King Hiryuu agrees with me. Please Shu-Ten, Gu-En. I'm a fast learner." I say as I put my hands together.

The look at each other, "Well, I suppose we could teach you self defense." Gu-En says and I visibly deflate, "Whaaaaat. But that won't help me in the long run. Come on. You guys have done so much for me, I want to do something for you and have your backs when you need it. Besides, I have a feeling I'll be around way longer then you guys." I tell them and they sigh in defeat. "All right. We'll teach you how to fight." Shu-Ten tells me and I smile at them, "Yea. But it's not going to be easy." Gu-En says and I smirk at them. "I think I can handle it." I tell them before finishing my apple.

~Time skip~  3 weeks of training [Sorry, not good at describing fight scenes]

I jump back and dodge a dragon fist heading my way, before ducking and avoiding a slash from a spear. I turn around and kick Shu-Ten in the stomach as he stumbles back. Sensing an attack from behind I duck and spin tripping Gu-En. I get back up and spin and clash with Shu-Ten's spear using my sward. We clash a bit and I jump back as he thrusts his spear at me but instead of jumping into Gu-En who was behind me, I did a back flip, kicking Shu-Ten in the chin and jumping over Gu-En, landing behind him and kicking him in his back, Both Gu-En and Shu-ten on the ground breathing heavily. "I think I win this round." I say as I offer my hand to Gu-En to help him up, "Damn. You learned fast. Plus you defeated both of us at the same time, without using any of you dragon abilities. Good job." Shu-Ten says as he gets up from the ground picking up his spear. "Well. I learn from the best." I say with a smile.

"You got that right. Come on. Let's go get something to eat." Gu-en says and I smile up at him. "Yes!" I say as I walk next to them.

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