[0] Kouka Kingdom and its Dragons

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The existence of the dragon warriors came when Hiryuu, who descended from heaven to become a human, was to be persecuted by the humans and before the founding of Kouka. The four dragon gods came to help Hiryuu from danger, only to be shunned from him as he loves humans despite their flaws. Because of this, they looked for humans to be their counterparts and granted them powers from drinking the blood of the dragon.

The Dragon Warriors who received the powers of the dragon gods to protect the crimson dragon, Hiryuu, carry the blood of their respective dragons in their bodies which grant them a devastating ability.

The Hakuryuu, White Dragon, has the power in his right hand. It has the strength ten times stronger than that of a normal person, and is able to destroy everything in its path and enlarge at will.

The Seiryuu, Blue Dragon, has the power in his eyes. it enables him to look at long distances, and even to a persons heart. Once he peeks at the heart, he can induce hallucinations and paralysis. However, once he uses this, he will also feel the same pain he inflicted on them.

The Ryokuryuu, Green Dragon, has the power in his right foot. This gives the holder a great jumping capacity and the ability to leap as high as he wants to. It also makes his leg incredibly strong and lethal when used to kick. This leg can also be enlarged at will.

The Ouryuu, Yellow Dragon, has an indestructible body. He is immortal and can withstand any kind of disease. He can regenerate quickly while developing hard scales that fortify his body like steel, making him invulnerable to any kind of physical attack. However, this can only be activated when he receives a great injury beforehand.

These Dragon Warriors were given the duty to protect and never betray him till the end of their lives.

However, in Kouka's history, another dragon had descended from heaven and reborn into a child with incredible abilities, for this dragon was born to be the light in the darkest of times. Not much is known of this dragon, but is said that it has the strength and will of the four dragons as well as the love of humans like King Hiryuu. Pure hearted with no ill intentions, but deadly and fierce in battle.

This is the story of Hisui, the Dragon that was born to bring light into the darkness.

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