[6] Winter Snow

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There's white stuff on the ground....

I tilt my head to the side as I look out my window to see everything in white. I put my shoes on and leave my room to investigate. As I walk down the hall I bump into Miku, "I hope your not going outside without warmer clothes." Miku tells me as she pulls me back to my room. "Why do I need warmer clothes, Miku?" I ask curiously as we go back into my chambers and she grabs a white fluffy shawl and boots, "Well, because it's cold out Miss." She tells me as she hands me the boots and I sit down and put them on, standing back up I look at her with my head tilted to the side. "But I don't feel the cold." I tell her and she wraps the fluffy shawl over my shoulders and secures it there so it doesn't fall off. "Well, we don't want you to freeze outside, you might not feel the cold, but your body will still freeze." She tells me as she leans up to look at me smiling before shooing me along. "There you are miss. Go have fun." she tells me and I run through the halls heading to the front. I round a corner and see Zeno up a head, also in something a little bit warmer then what he usually wears.

I smile and sprint towards him, "Zeno!" I yell and he turns towards me and smiles at me "Good morning, Hisui." He greets me, "Good morning! Are you headed outside to investigate too?" I ask him with a tilt of my head. "Hmm? Why would Zeno need to investigate outside?" He asks me curiously. "Because there's a bunch of white stuff outside. I'm heading out there to investigate it. Miku stopped me when I was heading out before and told me I had to dress warmer so I don't freeze." I tell him as I put my hands behind my back as we walk through the halls.

"Hmm? White stuff? Oh you mean the Snow." He tells me as he smiles down at me, I look back up at him with a questioning look, "Snow?" I ask him as I tilt my head. "Yeah, It's what indicates winter." Zeno tells me. "Oh. Well this is my first winter. So I'm still going to investigate this so called snow!" I declare with a fist in the air. He turns to me and walks in front of me stopping me in my tracks. "Then, how about we find the other's and we can investigate the snow together!" He tells me with a smile and I beam up at him, "That's a great idea!" I tell him as he grabs my hand, "Let's go find them then!" He declares, "Yeah!" I declare back and we make our way through the halls looking for three dragon warriors.

We found Gu-En and Shu-Ten in the dinning hall. And I approach them, "Hey guys. do you want to come with me and Zeno to investigate the white stuff outside." I ask and Gu-En looks at me with an eyebrow raised, "You mean the snow?" He asks me, and I nod my head up and down with a smile. That's when Zeno speaks up, "It's Hisui's first winter!" He tells them and they both look at me with wide eyes. "What! Then lets make it a winter to remember." Shu-Ten announced as he stands up with his spear on his shoulder.

"Great! Now we just need to find Abi!" I declare as I start to head out but come face to chest with someone, "Eek!" I squeak in surprise before backing up and staring up at Abi, "Hey Abi! We were just about to come find you." I tell him as I smile up at him. "Why?" He asks me with a confused look, "Because-" But I was interrupted by Gu-En putting his hand on my head and speaking for me. "It's little Hisui's first winter. So were ganna make it one to remember." he tells him and Abi's eye's slightly widen and then look back down at me "Your first winter? But your like 11." Abi tells me and I smile up at him and shake my head side to side. "No, I've only been in this world for a couple months now..." I say as I put my pointer finger on my chin in thought, "In a couple more months it will be a year I believe." I say before grabbing Abi's hand, "Come on lets investigate this so called snow!" I say as I drag Abi with me through the halls with a smile, missing the silent exchange of worried looks towards one another.

I let Abi's hand go after we left the dinning hall and we made our way to the front. After we got outside I look up and gapped at the sight, mouth wide open, "Wow..." I say as I Make my way down the stairs carefully so I don't trip or slip. After we made it down to the bottom of the stairs the others led me to the clearing I showed Abi one time, and it's covered in this white fluffy snow. I crouch down to it and put my hand in it to see my hand go through it to the dirt underneath. I smile big and stand back up and run out into the field laughing with my hands holding up my dress as I look down.

I turn around and see the foot prints I made in the snow and look at the others who followed me into the field. I see Gu-En smirking as he crouches down and grabs a handful of snow and shaping it into something, before throwing it in my directing. Surprised I didn't have time to dodge and it hits my face. I go falling backwards with my arms out, stunned. I hear two people coming towards me seeing them to be Zeno and Abi, they look down at me to see if I'm alright. I hear Shu-Ten Start talking to Gu-En. "You killed her!" Shu-Ten tells Gu-En, "I did not! I must've put too much strength into the throw." I hear him say as they come closer towards my form. I sit up with my bangs covering my eyes, standing up with a ball of snow in my sleeve, "See she's alright. Right, Hisui?" Gu-En asks me and I smirk before throwing the ball at Gu-En's face, laughing as he goes down from the force. "HAHAHA! That's what you get!" Shu-Ten tells Gu-En as he continues to laugh only to get a snow ball to his face by Gu-En. I laugh harder clutching my stomach.

After I finally caught my breath I wiped the tears from my eyes and looked up only to dodge another snowball coming towards me. I pick up snow and threw it back at Gu-En with a smile on my face. A snowball fight starts with Zeno and me on one side, and Gu-En and Shu-Ten on the other, Abi decided to move out of the crossfire and just watch until and snowball come hurtling towards him and hits him in the head, He grumbles out something before joining into the fight, all of us laughing and having fun.

I spot a head of red coming towards us, but I also spot a snowball heading his way, it was Zeno's snowball, he didn't realize where it was headed until he let it fly, "Oh no!" I hear Zeno say and the next thing I know I'm in front of Hiryuu catching the snowball, "I got It!" I yell out with a smile as I show them the ball of snow in my hands, but when I look at them their faces are one of shock.

"What?" I ask them confused, until I feel a hand on my head, I look up and turn around to see Hiryuu giving me a small smile, I smile in return and play with the snow in my hand trying to carve it into a face, my tongue sticking out slightly as I concentrate on the task but then Abi speaks up and I look up to stare at him while he talks. "How did u do that?" I tilt my head to the side in thought "Do what?" I ask and Gu-En points to a spot where I was previously, "You were just there... Know your there." He tells me as he points to where I am. "Hmm... I don't know how I did it... I just did it." I tell them with a small smile.

"Well, I came to get you guys because I don't want you guys to get a cold. You've been out here for a while." Hiryuu tells us and I smile up at him "Ok!" I tell him with a smile. We head back inside the castle to spend the rest of the evening inside.

I can't wait to play in the snow again tomorrow!

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