kai finds out you have feelings for him

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"Calm down," Kai tried comforting you. You didn't like feeling vulnerable in front of people, but with Kai it was alright.

You didn't have a good home life. Your parents were together, but their relationship was toxic. The only reason they were still together was so you would be happier as you grew up; however, their constant arguing drains you everyday. You have noone else to go to other than Kai, he is your best friend.

You try taking deep breaths, but you are far too shaken by the pain to even do that. So, Kai tries with you to help.

"Come on, we got this. Take deep breaths with me," he chants.

After calming down, you are finally able to speak. "I just get tired of it," you say to him, looking down while fiddling with your hands.

"I know. It's okay though, because I'm here," he says as he embraces you into a hug.

You let yourself live in the moment, not even thinking of what you were about to say. "I love you," it rolls off your tongue naturally, as if you have wanted to tell him for ages.

You then realize what just happen, and are baffled by your actions. "I'm sorry I-"

"I love you too," Kai says.

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