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  Have you ever found it hard to talk to your own family members and friends but found it perfectly easy to let your problems go on someone who has been in your life all but a few blinks of an eye?.... In this story that I am trying to tell, a girl named Lori struggles telling her family the painful things that were done in the dark, when no one else was around. You see Lori was a good person but the things that happened in the dark kept her quiet and fearful. She never had much to say and never knew how to approach her parents and the people who really cared for her and tell them just the things that have happened to her of the fear of what would be done as a repercussion to not only her but the people who have done her wrong.

In this story Lori learns to face her fears and see what her future may hold. Only time will tell how things go for Lori and the things done in the dark. But for now let's get to know more about our dear Lori and what she has to offer us.

Lori is a pale skinned preteen with grey eyes and auburn colored hair. Very quiet and kept to herself. She only ever felt herself when she listened to her music relaxing in her room with her snacks and her art. She wasn't really an artist but she liked her little terrible doodles with the chip stains on the edges. It kept her at peace. Her mind wasn't racing and she didn't have to face people, In her room she was at peace with herself.

Lori lived with her mom and step dad for her entire life, her dad was in and out when he pleased and it took a toll on Lori and her siblings. Her mom always made sure they were well taken care of and had everything they needed. Lori had three siblings one was her twin brother Max, Her and Max are the youngest of the bunch. He always got himself into trouble and Lori always had to get him out of it. Her other siblings were both girls. The oldest was a girl named Stacy, She helped take care of the younger three when their parents were at work. The younger three did not like when mom and dad were not home because the oldest sister always made them sit in the room she was in. The second oldest sibling was Jenny, She was very bright and had many fun skills. Jenny could write stories that would leave you asking for more, she could draw really well and she was always going on some crazy adventure with our aunt Chelsie. The two of them were like two peas in a pod.

Now let's talk about mom and dad....

Mom's name is Samantha but everyone called her Sam for short. Sam was a fair skinned five foot seven inch red haired, brown eyed woman. Samantha is very out -spoken and blunt. She is the type of person who told it like it is and always said what was on her mind. Some people said she was easy to talk to while others may disagree.

Dad's name was Dean. He had brown skin and brown eyes. He was always quiet and worked hard for his family. Even though he was a step dad he never made the kids feel like they were unloved. He became the one that was there when they really needed and the one that made everything better in the most funny ways.

These are the most important characters in this story and there are more details to be revealed in the pages of this book. So let's get into this story and see what is to come next.... 

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