Aurelia glanced at the caller ID that appeared on her phone and let out a thankful breath that it was not her  mother, In fact it was Delphenes name that's popped up on her screen.

I pick it up immediately " Delephene, where are you? I didn't see you yesterday nor did I see you this morning" I ask her expecting her to reply instantly but instead I hear only silence on the other side of the line " Delephene, hello ? " I ask again, to this I get a reply but the voice that fills the line isn't Delephene's jumbled words coming out or her rich Italian accent shouting through the phone, but instead an older sounding man answers " Hello ma'am, I am Dr Daniel Greggory with the Lincoln hospital in east London, is this Miss Aurelia Beaumont? " this time I am quiet on my side of the line, my mind is going a million miles an hour trying to remember if Delephene had any appointments she needed picked up from or if she was allergic to anything. " Yes, this is she. and who is this, why do you have Delephenes phone?"

" You may need to sit down for this Miss Beaum--" I cut him off mid word " where is she! I swear if this is a prank of some sorts or if someone has put you up to this I promise you the lawsuit that will be coming your way will make your student loans look inconsequential!" I was getting anxious now and needed to know why this man was contacting me on her phone and where Delephene was. 

 Dr Greggorys breath hitches for a second, " im sorry to inform you Miss Beaumont but .... but Miss Delephene Edwards has died due to a car accident. There was a drunk driver that only managed to leave the bar this morning and while he was driving home he-h-he fell asleep at the wheel and crashed into Miss Edwards while she was walking across the pedestrian crossing ". Aurelias phone had already fallen from her hand and had smashed from the impact it made when it came into contact with the ground but she couldn't care less in that moment, the doctors words were still coming through the speaker " is there anyone else we can call", Aurelia dropped to the ground her knees almost feeling like they would crack from the impact from the marble tiling that was laid in the entrance of her house, Aurelias cries and screams echoed through the many halls and rooms but Aurelia couldn't hear anything or feel anything over the pounding in her head and the crack of her heart. she couldn't breath and was ripping at her neck to get the pearl necklace off that her mother had given her as one of the many " sorry I was busy presents, have this instead" gifts, but in that moment Aurelia didn't care, nothing mattered now, nothing. Aurelia didn't remember much after those few minutes as everything turned into a blur, her screams must of been heard from miles away as the sound of multiple shoes started to fill her ears in the distance, arms were grabbing at her and people were shouting. But all she could do was just shut her eyes and pray she would never wake up.

3 weeks had past by since the incident that tore Aurelia's world apart. Her parents had been notified, of what had happened and had come home a week later, and decided to hire people to plan Delephens funeral as she had no other family to lay her to rest.
In those 3 weeks, Aurelia hadn't left her room, hadn't dared to of eaten and sure as hell couldn't go to the funeral, it was almost as if she were a walking zombie but with a Tear stained face and a broken heart.

Another week had passed and Aurelias state hadn't improved, she had isolated herself from everyone and hadn't opened her curtains in weeks, the dark purple bags under her eyes where getting more prominent in colour each day and her cheekbones becoming more and more hollow. She looked at everyone with distaste and hatred as everyone around her seemed to just pick up from where they left and forget there was even a person named delephene. 

A knock cam from Aurelias door startling her out of her haze, she didn't bother replying or Getting up from her bed to see who came in though.

her door opened and the sound of high heels filled he room "Aurelia honey, this has to stop, she was a nanny for goodness sake "  Donna Beaumonts blunt words felt like a slap to the face, But then what was I excpecting ..... a hug? 

"Your mothers right, Aurelia" her father voiced, his demanding tone never faltering as if he wasn't talking to his grieving daughter but to client. I didn't hear him come in, I thought to myself  "You are doing no one any good especially yourself if you continue to sit in this room and mope around"

A headache is already forming from just their presences, but they continue to speak " that's why Aurelia, we think it's best for you to start pulling your part in the family business, you are almost 16 and need to start understanding the importance of what you will one day inherit, which is why we feel it's in your best interest we send you off to our Russian branch in Moscow to start learning the reigns and of course start attending school there"

I begrudgingly turn to look at them. They are the epitome of perfect, My fathers perfectly cut black hair is gelled back while he is in his usual black suit wearing whatever new Rolex just came out on his left wrist, the picture of a man devoted to his businesses . I look to the right of him and my eyes land on my mother's blonde hair that is done up in a tight bun to make sure that everyone eyes land on the diamond necklace that sits perfectly on her neck while also complementing the tight dark blue dress she wears with her matching dior heels. Their stares make me feel like a dear in headlights, I shuffle back into my bed hoping maybe my duvet could shield me.

"Aurelia I hope you realise we are doing this for your own good" my mother says, I only roll my eyes in response.

"Your private jet will be ready to take you to Moscow tomorrow morning so be ready" my fathers voices while making his way to my door, my mother following close behind.

but Before the door can shut there is a moment of silence before my father speaks again " your mother and I are leaving tonight for France so be good" he pauses again "and Aurelia, don't disappoint us" he leaves with nothing more to say and an order to obey. 

a lone tear falls down my cheek, maybe Russia won't be too bad, that's if I don't mess up and have father coming for my neck.


HI everyone! this is my first story so be with me if my writing doesn't quite reach the standards you hope or some sentences don't add up. 

thank you.

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