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Jake made his way outside to the door, stopped and turned around. With his arm, he made a gesture to you to say, that he will escort you to your room.
Jake: ❝Come with me. I will accompany you to your room.❞ He said and smiled.

Y/N: ❝Wait. What about my suitcase? I still have it at home by Marisa.❞
You told them.

Sunghoon: ❝Don't worry about it. Your suitcases are already upstairs in your room.❞

Y/N: ❝How can it be upstairs? That is impossible.❞

Sunghoon put his hands in front to show you the ring. Sunghoon: ❝In this small ring you can still dream of many things. Even large parts fit in there. It has everything in it that a vampire needs.❞ He put his hand down and turned around as his left eye was directed to you, but couldn't see it because his back was only shown.

❝This ring can import many things to another place. You just need to communicate with the ring in your mind and then it will be exactly where you want it to be.❞

You were amazed. Actually, it's pretty convenient to have that.
Y/N: ❝That is really amazing. Do I get something like that? Then I don't always have to carry everything around with me.❞ Your eyes formed into stars as you clenched the fists.

When you said that, Nikki started laughing. First it was quiet and then it got louder. He couldn't stand it anymore and fell off the sofa. Everyone looked at him. Only you looked at him angrily.

Y/N: ❝What are you laughing about?❞
You were crossing your arms and raised the left eyebrow.

Nikki breathed slowly in and out, until he could calm down again.
Nikki: ❝Nothing, I just find it so funny to see the hope in your eyes that you will get something like this too. This ring can only be worn by a creature like us vampires. But as you noticed, you're not a vampire, so you can't wear something like that. If you wear this ring, you will never be able to take it off. And besides, it's heavy.❞

He stood up, sat this time on the sofa and crossed his legs as he leaned on his right hand to only look at you as usual with his boring gaze piercing trough your soul.

Your blood was boiling.
"How dare he make fun of me? He is probably the youngest of the vampires. The way he acts."

It seems that the two don't like each other. Only Jake stood at the door and kept his cool inside. He didn't want to stand there for long and went straight to you two. Your eyes turned to him as he stood across from you both.

Jake: ❝I'm sorry to interrupt you Nikki, but I have to escort lady Y/N to her room. Could I kidnap her for a moment and take her with me?❞

Nikki looked at him, turned his gaze briefly to me, then back to Jake and gave him a sign by nodding to him.

You were shocked when he called you Lady. It made you feel so special. Like a real princess.

He slowly turned his gaze to you, smiled with a gentle look and wanted to reach for your hand to guide you in the new room.
Jake: ❝If I allow Y/N, I will take you to your room now.❞

While he was still holding out his hand in front, you stood up, declined his friendly greeting, walked forward a bit and turned around to point at him.
Y/N: ❝That's really very nice, but I don't need to take your hand. I am different and not into such corny gestures.❞

Jake felt a little offended by your response, but didn't let it show, walked past, stopped to check on you and gave a sign with his hand to go upstairs.
Jake: ❝Then, let's go.❞ He said and went first. You went after him.

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