Chapture 25

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I got out in to the ring as my music is still playing, then Stephane, Brie, Nikki, Lana, AJ, and to my surprise Paige came out and this was my match up. "great." I mumbled to my self. every body hoped in the ring and they started beating the crap out of me. they were kicking me, punching me, and throwing me around like a rag doll. the ref rang the bell for the match to start. the ref pulled the girls off of me and let me get up. I stood up and was uneasy the Stephane came and closes lined me, I didn't know that she knew how to do that. I was stunned, I got back up and Stephane tagged in AJ. She kicked me in the stomach and yelled "how's my Bae is he good?" Then she yanked my hair I screamed, she kicked my butt I fell forwards. AJ tagged in Alicia, all Alicia did was pin me up in a corner and kicked me in the stomach before she tagged in Nikki. Nikki did the back breaker on me I yelled "aahh." that's all I managed to get out. then Nikki tagged In Brie. she pulled me up and pushed me against the ropes I bounced off and she slapped me then kicked me in the stomach. I fell to the floor and face planted then I rolled over and held my stomach and groaned. Brie tagged in Lana, she didn't do much but what she did hurt. for some reason she was wearing her same tight suits and he high heels. she walked over and stepped in my hand with her high heeled shoes. I screamed in pain. the she tagged in Paige. She picked me up and did the Paige-turner. I tapped out and fell to the mat in great pain. AJ didn't look like she was finished and nether did Alisha, Lana, Stephane, or Nikki. they slammed my back in to the steps then slammed my arm against the side of the pole and I heard a snap I screamed in pain. then Lana stepped on my ankle and I heard a crunch I screamed in even more pain.the paramedics came out and put me on a stretcher and took me out the the ambulance and Dean came in the back and went with me to the hospital. we got there and they did some tests to see how bad my bones were. the doctored the and didn't come back for an other hour. then he came back "I'm afraid I have some terrible news" said the doctor with the nurse right next to him "No!" I yelled, but still In pain.

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