Cuddles and Snuggles

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Win groaned, trying to move but he couldn't because there was some weight over him. He slowly opened his eyes, glancing down to see Bright with arm and leg thrown over Win's torso while his head was snuggled against Win's nape. He lay unmoving, fearing that he would end up waking Bright accidentally.

He isn't sure how long he laid there, but it was enough to help him learn of every breathing pattern Bright had when he slept, the man would jolt a little every few minutes, his soft breath flowing across the expanse of Win's exposed neck. The arm thrown over him sliding higher and falling off of his shoulder but then tightening almost as if Bright was trying to stake his claim.

Win gulped strongly, slightly turning his head to look at the other's sleeping face. There was a visible frown on Bright's face and his eyebrows bunched up almost as if in some sort of distress, Win raised his hand, bringing it to Bright's forehead and softly rubbing the worry lines away.


It wasn't until two more hours that they were both up and all cleaned up, Win laying on the sofa as he scrolled through his phone looking for the number of his friend Ohm. He sat up and looked at Bright as he was busy cooking breakfast for them, Bright smiled at him when they made eye contact and Win smiled back on reflex before he plopped back down, his heart beating fast as the morning came back to him.

How Bright hadn't even flinched when he had woken up to his head basically being cradled by Win and had just smiled lazily as he had whispered good morning. Just remembering that was enough to send shivers down Win's spine and reminding him of the work he had to do. With one last thought he texted Ohm.

Win: I have a job for you.

Ohm: Hello to you too buddy

Win: I am sorry, it's important and a little urgent

Ohm: You are lucky I don't really have any ongoing work

Win: Great I will call you in an hour or two.

Ohm: Sure man

"Win breakfast is ready." Bright called as he set up the table, it took Win a second to get that Bright had been humming and it brought an unconscious smile to his face. There was also a sudden urge to wrap his arms around Bright's waist but he held himself back.

"You should have at least let me set the table you know." Win whined as he sat down and started eating.

"You like it?" Bright asked, as he took another bite.

"Of course Phi, You really make the best Khao Tum and you even added sausages in it. I might just cry from all the love I am feeling." Win fake sniffed, pretending to wipe his eyes of any tears.

"Shut up and eat you brat." Bright laughed, shaking his head as Win blew him a kiss.

Win chuckled as they ate the rest of the food in a comfortable silence. His mind drifting onto what he was going to do, he had some files to complete, a few cases to work on and write that contract for the company. He also had to call Ohm, who was a private detective and one of his close friends from high school. Approaching Ohm would be a lot easier as it wouldn't raise a lot of suspicion and they can throw everything under the reconnecting with an old friend, which brought him to the idea of doing a little meet up with his other friends as well cause they would be kicking up a storm.

"What are you thinking about?" Bright asked, as he got up after having finished while Win was barely halfway there.

"We should meet up with our close friends and explain things to them or make shit up, because they would be going crazy." Win said quickly as he started eating at a faster pace and then he choked on a piece of little sausage.

Bright rushed to Win patting his back while Win finally stopped and took a deep breath, "Easy, no one is stealing your food nuisance." Bright said, exasperated and ruffled Win's hair when the other didn't give any response other than smiling at him.

The rest of the day, they had interaction only in time of lunch and dinner and some questions about snacks as Win was mostly focussed on getting done with the work, he had tried calling Ohm but he hadn't picked up at all. After giving it another try and failing Win was done trying for the day and went out of the office.

"Finally out here aren't you?" Bright chuckled as he took a handful of popcorn and continued watching some movie. Win merely groaned, his head hurting from all the work it had done and just crawled onto the sofa and laid his head on Bright's lap.

Maybe it was because he was exhausted or maybe he just stopped caring, but he made himself very comfortable and sighed in contentment when Bright started playing with his hair. "Oye, this is gonna make my legs hurt, at least sit up if you want to lean on me." Bright said, trying to raise Win's head but Win was being stubborn and refused to move. Until he had enough of Bright putting too much force so he sat up himself and pouted, looking thoroughly offended by the turn of events.

Bright sighed and opened his arms, "Lean like this," Bright said leaning on the armrest, looking at Win's eyes for any sort of hesitation but he had barely finished his sentence when Win was already huddling into his arms and chest letting out a small sound which Bright assumed meant he was comfortable, "Yeah you comfortable now?" Bright chuckled, looking at Win's figure between his legs and arms while his head was on his chest and eyes closed as his breathing slowly evened out. For some reason even though Bright continued watching the movie he couldn't remember how it ended. But he did remember the way Win's lashes looked on his cheek bones, how Win's chest moved up and down as he breasted evenly, how Win's hand was clenched into his shirt, how soft Win's hair felt when he played with it and how Win had sighed at the touch, he remembered how good Win had looked in his arms.


hope ya liked it, I know I was to write the interview thingy, but I think it would be better to have some improvement in the relationship before it, I am not gonna make promises on how that would go, because honestly- I don't even know myself.

so yeah comment on what you though and I would try to bring the next update when I can !!!

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