They Have Supportive Friends

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Win sits in the car and heaves a relieved sigh, glancing at Bright who throws him a soft smile as he starts driving. It reminds him of the time they used to go on long drives together, he clearly remembers once they had gotten into a small accident where Bright had accidentally driven up on the sidewalk. Thankfully, there was no one around but needless to say Win never let Bright drive when they were together.

The memory brings a smile to Win's face as he looks at the other with mischief in his eyes. "You aren't going to crash on the sidewalk are you?" Win asks and snorts, holding back his laughter as if he has told the funniest joke in the world. He can see the faint of a smile breaking on Bright's face as he shakes his head.

"I have had a lot of practice and that was one time." Bright grumbles trying to sound upset, but the smile on his face gives him away.

"Oh have you?" Win teases, he likes the atmosphere. It's teasing, it's

fun and it almost makes him forget about his worries. Almost.

"You can watch me drive right now, nuisance." Bright scolds, shaking his head as he reaches to smack the younger, but Win lets out a screech telling Bright to focus on the road. So bright huffs and grumbles about kids having no manners.

"You are literally only a year older P'Bright" Win laughs, his head thrown back when the phone starts ringing.

They both are pulled out of the playful attitude as their eyebrows bunch up in worry. The name "Dew" flashes on Bright's phone, while it reads "Love" on Win's phone. Win picks up the call on his phone.

"HELLO? WIN! WHERE THE FUCK ARE YOU?" Love shouts the moment he picks up the phone.

"Woah, calm down." Win winces and pulls the phone away from his ears.

"I am in a car with P'Bai, I went to the gym and he's picking me up." Win explained, trying to calm the angry woman on the phone and he smiles when he realises that it worked as her voice changed.

"Oh okay, Come home fast we are waiting okay." Love says cheerfully.

"Okie" Win replied, laughing at how weird she was.

"Wait! What did she mean she's waiting for us" Win panicked, looking at Bright for help.

"What?" Bright asks, not having heard the whole conversation.

"I think our friends are waiting for us." Win says, his eyes wide as saucers. He almost can't believe that his friends would show up unannounced but then again it doesn't sound impossible.

"Well then, we better hurry up." Bright sighed as he increased the speed.


The elevator dinged open and they were greeted to the sight of their friends (plural) standing in the hallway with a lot of bags, Win and Bright looked at each other, both mentally agreeing that it can't be good.

"We bought food and drinks." Nani cheered, coming forward to ruffle Win's hair and pulling him in a headlock as Mike went ahead and threw his arm around Bright, shaking him as he led him to open the doors to their apartment.

"Why?" Bright grumbled, but there was a smile hanging on his cupid's bow lips.

"Times are hard, but alcohol hits harder and we can't do anything else." Mike answered, a sad smile on his face before he switched it up by cheering loud and jumping on the sofa and then patting the bed for the rest to sit.

"So it's just you guys?" Win questioned, counting them under his breath.

There's Love, Green, Dew, Nani and Mike. Where are Film and Gunsmile?

"Yep, for now." Love answered, looking around and seeing the room filled with boys, immediately realising how long the night was going to be.

"Film had a photoshoot and Gunsmile had some filework regarding some building" Mike answered as he noticed the questioning look on Win's face.

"Okay." Bright nodded, using his hand to nudge Win to sit down.

Green finally made his presence known as he plopped down and wrapped himself around Win's arm, "they are getting so big, I feel like a proud father." He fake sobbed, placing his head on Win's shoulder making everyone laugh.

"Why do you feel like a dad? I am the one raising these." Win teased, his eyes sparkling with mischief. Bright, who had been staring at the younger one, feels a little lighter as he sees the spark in the other's eyes.

"HEY ! I was here the entire time, watching them grow." Green huffed, over exaggeratedly.

"Okay! Okay kids! Let's get the drinks flowing" Nani cheered and so they started.

Win drank comparatively less, he knew what his friends were doing and even he wanted to indulge and maybe let loose a little but his brain wouldn't allow it. An hour of constant drinking and eating some chicken as songs played in the background with everyone drunk out of their mind, Win sat there very very sober.

He could feel his mood dampening, as his mind drifted to his sister again.

"Win come with me." Green exclaimed, getting up and dragging Win to the guest room.

The moment the doors closed behind them Green turned to Win and pulled him in a tight hug.

"Wha-?" Win began to question but Green shushed him.

"It's going to be fine." Green whispered, stroking Win's back in a comforting manner, he smiled as he felt Win loosen in his arms. "This isn't the first problem you have faced and it's not going to be the last, but." Green continued, tightening his arms around the now trembling boy. "You will solve it, You are Win Metawin after all." Green pulled away for a second and wiped his tears.

"Yes! You are Tu's superhero, her best brother and who else can save princess Tu other than her own knight in shining armor brother" Love piped up, surprising the other two who hadn't noticed her entering the room.

"Please can you not bring that up? We were just kids." Win whines, as more tears fall.

"You were 16 and Tu was 15" Love teased and burst into laughter as Win buried his face in Green's shoulder.

"P'Greeeeeen, Love is being mean" Win whined loudly.

"Oh, now you call me Phi? You know what that means Love! I won't let you hurt my beloved Nong" Green snorted, as he got into a fighting stance.

Love laughed, but jumped when the door shook behind her.

The door opened and Bright peeked inside, taking in the view of Love's flushed cheeks and Win hugging Green as Green held him by the waist with a fist aimed towards Love.

"Uhhh..." Love looked around the room awkwardly, trying to explain the situation.

" We should go." Green jumped, pulling Win away from himself and pushing him into Bright's arms as the two rushed out of the room.


Hope y'all liked that!!!
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