I Should Have Been There For You

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Warm, it was very warm. Almost stifling, he tried to move but then someone was holding him. He felt a hand run through his hair before something cold was placed on his forehead, it was soothing enough that he fell back to sleep again.

The next time he felt something was something cold and smooth sliding down his throat, he liked the feeling. And then darkness again.

Win finally groaned and opened his eyes, blurry memories of waking up before in his head, but finally he had enough strength to open his eyes. First thing he noticed was that he was in the new apartment, Bright's room to be precise and that Bright was laying next to him, with a hand thrown over him.

"P'Bright?" Win questioned, as he shook the elder. Sighing as the other simply huffed and snuggled deeper into the pillow. He stared at the sleeping form, feeling his heart clench as he remembered that this warmth wasn't his to have.That this warmth belonged to his sister who had left it all behind and left.

He was pulled out of his thoughts when he felt a hand on his cheeks, he looked up and saw Bright was wiping a tear off of his face.

"It's going to be okay, I am right here with you. Let's solve this together." Bright smiled hesitantly, patting the younger's head as he burst into tears.

Win curled himself into Bright's open arms as he body racked with sobs. He had tried to hold back but he couldn't, not when Bright was beside him; holding him so softly and patting his back the entire time.

"Why am I so pathetic?" Win asked, between sobs surprising Bright who immediately sat upright.

"You aren't pathetic Win!" Bright exclaimed, his face scrunched in distress at the word.

"Yes, I am!" Win cried, his head pressed into the juncture of Bright's shoulder and neck, " I should be the one holding you through this, I should have been there for Tu so she didn't feel the need to run away! I should have-"

Bright pressed a finger against his lips, stopping any other words. "None of this is your fault. If anyone would be to blame it would be me, I was a bad boyfriend and so Tu ran away, you should hate me and not yourself."

"Bu-" Win tried to speak but Bright shook his head, cutting the younger off again.

"No buts." Bright said firmly, his hands cupping Win's cheeks and stroking his cheek with his thumbs, "There were parts of our relationship you didn't know and that is not your fault."

"There were problems? You were having problems?" Win asked surprised, it had never looked like Bright and Tu ever argued about anything.

"Of course." Bright said sadly and looked away.

The action reminded him of how he had begun to avoid his best friend and sister after the revelation. Of course he doesn't know, why would he know? He was the one who had avoided them till the point they had stopped approaching him altogether. No one was to blame but himself.


"Win?" Bright called as he entered the room where Win had just finished dressing up.

"Yeah Phi?" Win asked, the usual smile on his face but he knew how fake it was, he didn't like lying to the other but even looking at his face hurt him.

"You are really skipping the family retreat?" Bright asked, he sounded sad if the look on his face was anything to go by, he most definitely was.

"Yeah! I am sorry Phi! But Love and Green really need me there. I won't miss the next one" Win lied, knowing very well he would do everything in his power to stay away till his feelings disappear.


Every other time he always had a new excuse to not spend time with Bright until he realised it was too late and they had drifted apart further to the point it was awkward being alone with him.

A part of him wished they had just fought, cause maybe then his heart wouldn't feel so empty.

"I am sorry" Win said after a minute of silence.

"What for?" Bright asked, his head tilted to the side. His hands stroking the side of Win's face.

"For not being there for you..." Win said sadly.

"Are you pouting?" Bright chuckled, as he rubbed their heads together.

"No." Win said petulantly.

"You sound like you are..." Bright laughed as he pulled him closer by the shoulder, bringing his other hand to ruffle Win's hair as he felt him shake his head on his shoulder.

"I am nooottt" Win whined, feeling his cheeks warming up at the gentle touches.

"Okay okay," Bright huffed, " You aren't pouting." Bright said as he began to get up, when he felt Win tug at his arm.

"What is it?" Bright asked, worried as the younger looked at him with pleading eyes.

"Where are you going?" Win asked, his voice coming out more choked than he thought.

"I am going to get you some food, you fainted remember?" Bright said, patting his head again. Win looked so small it almost broke his heart, this was the last thing he wanted to happen. He couldn't let him feel hurt like this anymore, he wanted to protect him so bad and he would do anything he could to do so.

"Okie, come back fast." Win said he felt embarrassed to be acting this childish but he really didn't want to be alone. He could deal with the repercussions later, right now he wanted to be held and cry into a shoulder.

"I will." Bright smiled, holding himself back from kissing Win's forehead and settling for squeezing the arm that had tugged at him to stop.


Bright took away the plates as Win finished everything.

"Looks like I was actually hungry." Win laughed awkwardly, he had eaten some of Bright's food too. But then again the older had placed it on his plate so why wouldn't he?

"Do you want more?" Bright asked, he looked very pleased with himself. Win shook his head as he looked around, preparing to get off of the bed.

"Where are you going?" Bright asked, pushing him back down on the bed. "Don't move."

"My room." Win answered softly, as he let Bright tuck him in.

"No. Wait here." Bright said firmly as he took the plates to the kitchen.

Win laid there, briefly closing his eyes as he waited for Bright to come back. He felt the bed dip and so he turned in the direction of it, smiling softly at Bright who was now laying beside him.

"Sleep a little more, I know you are tired." Bright smiled.

"Thank you P'Bai" Win sniffled, as he felt the emotions build up again. He had been so bad to his Phi but even now Bright simply pulled him closer and patted his head till he finally drifted off to sleep.


It's a bit rushed since I felt like writing out of nowhere so hopefully it isn't too bad.

and you guys liked it!!!

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