Chapter 4

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The cold air seemed to nip at my skin, the wind blowing harder the second I stepped outside. At first, it was refreshing and sobered me a bit. Right now, it bothered me and made me shiver, goosebumps appearing on my skin.

I pulled my leather jacket closer, pulling my knees up to my chest. I sat on the porch floor, my eyes searching for Seth's headlights to appear. I didn't like having to call him to pick me up, didn't like the idea of him seeing me in this state, but I had no choice.

The ground seemed to shake, the bass of the music blaring inside the house making the home rumble. I could still hear the explicit lyrics and the cheers above it, the sound making me feel even worse. A headache had already formed and the feeling of everything going on just made it get more and more painful. I could only hope Seth would hurry.

Luckily, bright lights shone before me right then, my eyes squinting to make sure it was Seth and not some other kid coming to the party. The driver door opened, Seth rushing out. He looked really worried, his frown deepening at the sight of me. I sighed in relief, standing right as he reached me.

"Ri, are you okay? Are you cold, are your hurt-"

"I'm fine, Seth." I cut him off, lightly touching his shoulder. "I'm just not feeling too good right now."

"I can tell."

Those three words reminded me of our bond. Any intense feeling either of us had, the other felt. When he and Veronica fight, I always know because of the anger and guilt I feel. The time our bond hurt me the most, though, was when he proposed. I already knew it was going to happen, Seth having warned me beforehand and asked for my consent as well, but it didn't stop my heart from breaking when I felt the sudden bout of happiness overcome me, pure bliss taking control of my senses.

"Come on then." He wrapped his arm around my shoulder, guiding me to the car. "Let's get you out of here."

I didn't let his touch visibly affect me, ignoring the butterflies in my stomach. He was engaged. And not to me.

Seth got me into the passenger seat, fastening my seatbelt and making sure I was secure before going to his side and buckling up himself. He pulled off, glancing at me every so often.

After the third look, I was sick of it. "What is it, Seth?"

"Nothing." He quickly averted his eyes, chewing on his bottom lip as he debated saying his thoughts out loud. "Why were you at the party anyways?"

"I'm 17. All 17 year olds go to parties."

"Yeah, but not all 17 year olds drink at said parties."

I snorted. "Most do. Especially when the party is thrown by the most popular guy in school. Nobody wants to look like a loser."

"I'd prefer looking like a loser than drinking and then feeling the way you do right now." Seth shot back.

"My drink was spiked, Seth, it's not my fault."

"What?" He pulled over, my eyes widening when I realized what I had admitted.

"Your drink was spiked?" He repeated, looking at me sternly.


"Who did it?" I could feel his anger, could see his veins popping through his skin and his knuckles turning white. My confession had Seth seething, righfully so.

"It was nothing, Seth. I didn't finish the drink and I dealt with the guy who did it."

"Who did it, Karina?" He pressed, raising his voice. I flinched at his tone, Seth noticing and his eyes softening.

"Sorry. Just tell me what happened, please Ri."

"I went with Dani because of Jesse." I admitted softly. "Jesse was the guy who threw the party and I thought he was cute, so I went to catch his attention and it worked. He was really nice at first and we were having fun, then he gave me a drink. I didn't want it, but he kept forcing me to drink. The third cup, though, tasted different. I noticed there were no bubbles and  I spat out what I could. I tried to leave, but Jesse got mad and tried to stop me. So, I shoved him, ran out, tried to call Kian and then called you."

Seth sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose to calm himself down. "Where was Dani when it all happened?"


He shook his head, taken my hand into his. "I'm sorry I snapped at you, Ri. This isn't your fault. You were just being a teenager, it was Jesse's fault and I want to kill him."

"Don't." I squeezed his hand. "He's not worth it."

"They never are." He muttered, letting go of my hand. "To Dani's, then?" He got back onto the main road, driving off again.

I shook my head. "Take me home, please."

His eyebrows furrowed. "But then your parents will hear you and they'll find out."

"I know, but I can't go to Dani's without Dani and I have a feeling she'll be busy for a while."

"Then you can spend the night at Ronnie and I's."

I opened my mouth to protest, Seth cutting me off. "Don't start. If your parents find out, they'll kill you and they think you're spending the night at Dani's anyways. This way, you'll show up tomorrow morning as if nothing happened and you'll be able to sober up."

He gave me a look, my eyes rolling. "You sure Veronica won't mind?"

"Nah. She loves you, you know that."

"Fine." Seth grinned triumphantly, speeding up. We arrived at his house, a small two bedroom home that he and Veronica were renting, within minutes, the front door opening as soon as Seth turned the car off.

"Karina, thank goodness you're okay." She pulled me into a hug as soon as I was within reach. I hugged her back hesitantly, pulling back quickly. She didn't fully let me go, though, holding me at an arms length and looking me over.

She noticed my bloodshot, puffy eyes and the mascara smudged underneath them, her lips pursuing. She looked back at Seth. "What happened?"

"It's a long story, but she's staying the night. She can't go home in that state, Embry will kill her and me."

"No, no, I agree. Come on in, you need a bath and some tea." Veronica led me into the home, me tense shoulders relaxing at the warmth that greeted me inside.

What I hated most about Veronica was that I couldn't hate her. She was always kind to me, always accepting of me. If she knew about Seth and I's bond, she didn't show it and she didn't hold it against me. Whenever she saw me, she was inviting and nicer than ever. No matter what I needed, I could count on Veronica.

Take now, for example. Before I knew it, she had run me a warm bath and even thrown in one of her expensive lush bath bombs. She left me alone for a while as well, returning with a cup of milk tea, a fresh towel, and a fluffy robe. She waited for me outside the bathroom, ushering me to the guest bedroom and handing me a pair of her old and cozy pajamas, fresh from the dryer as she had thrown them in for a few minutes to be warm for me.

"I hope these are okay, they're a little snug on me and you are a bit smaller than I am." She told me, smiling sheepishly.

"They're great, thank you."

"Okay, I'll leave you to it then." Veronica headed for the door, making sure to straighten out a trinket on the night stand.

I cleared my throat. "Veronica?"

"Yes?" She turned quickly, as if expecting me to call her.

"Thank you." I said, the girl smiling brightly.

"No problem. Sleep tight, okay?"

"You too."

She shut the door behind her and I released the breath I was holding. I got dressed and got under the sheets, sighing.

I was out before my head hit the pillow.

Golden (Seth Clearwater)- Sunflower SequelOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz