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Truly, despite what others might say, I didn't ever hold a grudge against Seth for what he did.

I mean, do I really blame him? No, not at all. I would've probably done the same thing had I been in his predicament.

Maybe Jacob and Quil decided to be single waiting for their imprints to grow up, which first of all, is really weird when you think about it, but they were also older than Seth when they imprinted. They had dated around before, had already experienced young first loves. Seth hadn't. Also, Jacob had an advantage, Renesmee growing crazy fast.

When I was born, Seth didn't have time for a girlfriend. He was busy with the pack, and most importantly, about to start his senior year of high school. From what Leah told me, Seth was planning on asking some girl out the day he went to meet me for the first time. Unfortunately for him, he walked into the hospital room, my Dad walked over with me in his arms, and boom! Imprint found.

As far back as I could remember, Seth was always around. He was my best friend, the only person who had patience for me and played with me, even if I did make him dress up to do it. My brothers, Kai and Kian, were annoying and picked on me. Seth always defended me and he was everything to me.

I remember the day Seth met Veronica very clearly. My mom was not feeling well and my dad was taking care of her and the two tornados I call siblings, so Seth volunteered to take me out for ice cream and playtime at his Mom's and Charlie's house. Me, being six at the time, didn't protest, really only hearing the words 'ice cream'.

We were leaving the ice cream place when I accidentally bumped into a girl, my ice cream not only hitting her white jeans, but falling to the ground. Instantly, Seth was apologizing and giving her napkins, helping to clean her, and for the first time ever, ignoring my tears.

(Yes, I cried when it happened. He had gotten me a double scoop of chocolate chip cookie dough.)

She laughed it off and told him not to worry about it. He asked what he could do to make up for it and she said take her to get coffee. They laughed, introduced themselves, and exchanged numbers, Seth promising to take her out that very night, after dropping me off first.

She looked at me, smiled and tried to introduce herself. I was a jealous six year old and was now irritated after being ignored by my favorite person, so I crossed my arms and hid behind Seth. They took it as nervousness and laughed it off.

Seth had never seen so eager to get rid of me.

By the next week, Seth was constantly texting Veronica and seeing her nightly, much to my father's dismay. I remember hearing them argue one time, my Dad royally pissed off that Seth was blowing me off.

"She's your imprint!" Dad yelled, shoving Seth roughly. "She should be your priority! You promised me, Seth."

"Embry!" My mother jumped between them, shaking her head. "Seth is so young. He doesn't deserve to be tied down to a six year old. Besides, imprints can be friends."

At the time, I didn't know what they were yelling about, or what imprinting even meant. I just knew I didn't like Veronica. And since I felt that Seth was being stolen from me, I acted out. One day, I just refused to see him. And for months afterwards, I didn't see him.

I know it hurt him a lot, at first he came daily hoping for a change from me, but it didn't change. Slowly, he stopped coming so often, though he continued to ask my parents if he could see me. One day, though, when Sue got really sick and Leah was over, my mom comforting her, I relented.

That day, though, Seth didn't come. He was with Veronica, Veronica comforting him. It hurt me, but I didn't push him out anymore, agreeing to see him, but a lot less than I had before.

When I was old enough, 14 to be exact, my parents sat me down and explained my connection to Seth, the same connection they themselves had. By then, Seth and Veronica had been together for seven years and she even knew the pack secret. I had a crush on Seth, felt the attraction to him, but our friendship was just that, a friendship. And I respected Veronica, despite hating her secretly.

When I knew of imprinting, I resented Seth. Every imprinter was with their imprintee, except for mine. He moved on. I grew older, though, and I became more mature, so I understood why he did it.

It hurt me to accept, but I let go of my anger towards him.

And so, no, I'm not mad at Seth for proposing to Veronica. I'm not mad at all.

Because after all, he was hers before I had a chance to make him mine.

Golden (Seth Clearwater)- Sunflower SequelWhere stories live. Discover now