Chapter 2

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It was so cliche. Me, the smart and nerd girl, walking into a packed house party thrown by the most attractive and popular boy in school with my extremely social best friend. If it hadn't been for the fact that I was there, I would've said it was straight out of a movie. But I was there and I was uncomfortable in my too short dress and my overdone makeup.

As soon as we were inside, attempting to push past the hoards of sweaty teenagers, Dani's hips were swaying, her smile widening. I couldn't help but grin as well, my discomfort fading slightly when I heard the music and felt as carefree as everyone else. Even though I was completely out of my element, it felt nice to do something normal for once.

"Rina!" Dani shouted, grabbing my arm and squeezing it. "There's Jesse!"

My eyes followed to where her arm extended, Jesse surely enough standing in the kitchen with a red solo cup in hand and his closest friends surrounding him. He was laughing, jokingly punching his best friend with his free hand.

"Come on, let's go say hi." Dani began to drag me away before I could say anything, my heels dragging behind her.

"Dani!" I hissed, trying to stop her. "He's with his friends."

"And you look too hot for him not to see you." She shot back, smirking. "Besides, it might do you good to get laid tonight."

"Are you ins-" I cut myself off, Jesse and his friends noticing us. He took a gulp from his cup, licking his lips and excusing himself.

"Looking good, ladies!" He called out, approaching us and making me pull down on my dress quickly.

"Thanks, Jesse. Great party." Dani took a cup from one of the boys, winking at me. "Don't you think, Rina?"

"Yeah, it's definitely something." Mentally, I groaned. That was not the way to catch someone's attention. Though, Jesse chuckled, meaning I must have done something right.

"I'm glad you're here, Karina. You've never come before."

"First time for everything." I shrugged, Jesse laughing again.

"You thirsty?" Jesse motioned to the counter covered in alcohol of all types, my head shaking.

"No thanks."

"Aw, come on. Gonna deny the host?"

I looked around, realizing that at some point Dani had disappeared. Looking back at Jesse, I bit my lip slightly, becoming more nervous in his presence. "I can't. My parents will kill me."

"If they find out." He grabbed a cup and went to their dispenser, a red liquid falling into the plastic. "Which they won't, I promise. Try it, it's great."

I frowned. "What is it?"

Jesse smirked. "Jungle juice. Mix of some stuff." He held the cup out to me, my hand shakily taking it from his grip and bringing it to my lips. Ever so slightly, I took a sip, my eyes widening at how good it really was.

"Damn, this is delicious." I continued to drink, Jesse pumping his fist in the air. "Told you so."

I finished within seconds, Jesse refilling the cup and getting one for himself. "Cheers." He said, bumping his cup against mine and downing it right as I did.

The song changed, Party Monster blaring through the house and making my hips start to sway. "I love this song!" I yelled over the beginning, Jesse setting our empty cups down and grabbing my hand.

"Wanna dance?" He asked, my feet moving to the dance floor before he even finished the question. We pushed to the middle of the floor, my back pressing against his chest and my hips moving from side to side, my right hand going to his neck and holding him in place.

We stayed that way for a while, Jesse spinning me at some points but mostly just grinding against me. I saw Dani, dancing with one of Jesse's friends and then leading him up the stairs.. The song changed to Blow The Whistle, everyone cheering and more people going to the floor. I became more and more sweaty, forgetting myself as the alcohol began to take effect.

"I'm kinda thirsty." I shouted over the music when the song changed again, Jesse nodding.

"Me too." He led me off the floor, the air becoming colder the farther we got from the crowd. I leaned against the counter, catching my breath while Jesse fixed our drinks once more. I scanned the house again, my mind going to Seth.

Seth was just a year younger than I am when he imprinted on me. Did I take him away from these experiences, these moments of normalcy? Did Seth ever attend a house party and dance with a pretty girl just for fun? Or was his spare time spent with the baby he was conditioned into being devoted to?

I sighed, resting my head in my arms. I was so lost in thought, I didn't hear Jesse, only lifting my head when the cold cup hit my arm and felt Jesse beside me.

"Tired?" He questioned, nodding at the cup. His eyes didn't leave me, waiting for me to drink before he did himself.

"Just a little bit." My face scrunched in disgust, the drink tasting saltier than it had before. I looked at it, nothing the lack of bubbles.

I stared at the contents for a moment before gasping, shoving it away from me and rushing to the sink. There, I spit out as much as I could, rinsing my mouth with water.

"What the fuck?" Jesse exclaimed, dropping his cup and grabbing mine. "Karina, what is wrong with you?"

"You fucking roofied me?" I turned to him, Jesse rolling his eyes.

"Stop being dramatic, I didn't roofie you. I just gave you something else to drink, thought you would appreciate something else."

"There's nothing here that's salty!" I shoved Jesse out of my way, stomping outside. He grabbed me arm, spinning me around.

"Stop being stupid, just drink it! You're killing the vibe."

"Leave me alone." I tore my arm from his grip. "And don't fucking touch me."

"Fine then." He raised his hands, people beginning to stare. "Leave, be a loser."

"Gladly." I made it out, already pulling my phone from my bag and dialling Kian. He wouldn't be happy I was at the party, but he would pick me up and keep it a secret from Mom and Dad.

I held the phone to my ear, each ring feeling like an eternity. I was cold and nervous, my eyes darting to the door in fear of Jesse coming out and hurting me. The call, unfortunately, was not picked up, going to voice-mail.

"Kian, call me back. I'm stuck at this party and something happened." I spoke after the final beep, hanging up with a sigh.

"This is straight out of some stupid movie." I muttered, wrapping an arm around myself and scrolling through my contacts for someone else to call.

Golden (Seth Clearwater)- Sunflower SequelOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora