Chapter 1

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I slammed my locker shut, raising an eyebrow at my best friend, Dani. "You want me to go where with you?"

Dani and I had been friends since kindergarten, being my oldest friend outside of the packs. She knew everything about me and more, being allowed into the fold of the packs when Brady imprinted on her when we were 14. She understood what it was like for me to see Seth and Veronica and knew what the bond did to me, considering that she and Brady weren't together either. Though, she and Brady decided mutually to remain friends for a few years to explore other options. Seth never gave me the option of something other than friendship.

"Please, Kar. It's Jesse's party, you like Jesse." She pleaded, following after me when I began to walk away. I held my notebook to my chest, rolling my eyes and dodging some hyperactive freshman boys. Jesse was the most attractive boy in our grade, and yes I did admit that he was cute to Dani, but I didn't like him. I didn't think I could have strong feelings for anyone because of the stupid imprint. Besides, Jesse wasn't the best type of guy.

"You know how Kai feels about Jesse." I reminded Dani, her expression brightening at the mention of my oldest and favorite brother. For years, Dani had a crush on Kai and truthfully, I couldn't blame her. Kai was 22 and mature, having graduated college and taking a break before joining the workforce to focus on family. He occasionally worked with my Dad and Uncle Jake, but for the most part was just around doing his own thing. If he wasn't my brother, I'd say he was the perfect package. But he was, so I always say he's lazy and overbearing.

"As much as I love listening to Kai, Jesse isn't that bad. He's just like Kian."

I snorted, shaking my head. "Is that supposed to be a compliment?"

Kian (the most annoying person on the planet) , only being 20, was in college. He went to the University of Seattle, but he still lived with us, since Seattle was only an hour away and all his classes were late in the day anyways. Mom and Dad didn't mind, though I wished he would move out, since then I could maybe get a car of my own.

Dani lightly hit me, rolling her eyes this time. "You know what I mean. Just a popular guy with a rude act. And I've heard he wants to hang out with you."

I hummed. "Probably just wants to get in good with Kian. Remind me again why you just can't go alone?"

"Because I always go alone." Dani whined, crossing her arms. "You're always busy with your clubs or your internship or training. We're about to graduate, Kar, live a little."

I sighed at her words, knowing she had a point. At only 17, I had my future pretty much set. I interned at the hospital with uncle Carlisle and had the best grades for great college choices. I had already chosen my college, though, opting for Loyola University in New Orleans. I didn't have the pack tying me down like Kai and Kian, but I had inherited powers like my mother, and living in New Orleans, I could develop them. Since Seth would get married in June, there was really nothing holding me back.

Though, with all the preparation for my future and my ties to the pack, I didn't have time for football games or parties or hang outs. I was always studying or in meetings or helping out in my family. I didn't mind it, not really being social enough like Dani to have fun with other people my age at crowded events and preferring time with Renesmee and Dani watching a movie or something. However, it wouldn't hurt to have those experiences while I still could.

"Speak of the devil." Dani murmured to me, pointing at the group of boys gathered in the cafeteria corner. In the middle was Jesse in all his gorgeous glory, looking like a movie star as he laughed with his friends. We walked past, Jesse catching my eye.

"Lyles, you coming tonight?" He called to us, Dani grinning at him.

"You even have to ask?"

"Just confirming. And you, Call?" He turned his gaze to me, my cheeks suddenly warm. "Finally gonna make my night and come to one of my parties?"

"What's in it for me?" I shot back, my voice shaky even to my ears. Jesse didn't seem affected by my lack of confidence though, chuckling.

"My presence?" I didn't say anything, Jesse outright laughing. "Okay, how about pizza?"

"That's a maybe." Perhaps I didn't like Jesse, but a little harmless flirting wouldn't hurt. Maybe I would even learn to like him, with time.

"I'll make sure she's there." Dani interrupted, pulling on my arm. "Now, however, I'm starved."

Jesse winked at me right before I turned around, my hands going to make sure my hair still covered my ears, which I was sure were tinted pink. "You'll make sure I'm there?" I repeated, Dani glancing at me.

"Come on, Kar. You gotta admit, you like flirting with Jesse. It's just one night of fun and if you hate it, I won't make you go again."

I grabbed my tray with Dani in suit, both of us reaching for burgers instead of the hot meal the lunch ladies prepared. I grabbed a fruit cup and a water bottle as well, getting some fries before getting out of the line. "What do I tell my parents?"

"Just come straight to mine after work and say we're having a weekend sleepover. I'll even let you borrow some clothes."

"And you promise that if I hate it you'll leave this alone?"

She held up her right hand, pretending to draw a cross over her heart. "I swear, you won't hear a peep about another parry from me."

I made it to our table, setting down my tray and bag before pointing at her. "Fine, I'll go."

Dani squealed, pulling me into a hug. I looked around, making sure nobody was watching us before hugging her back, laughing slightly. "Yeah, yeah, be happy. But I expect actual pizza at the party."

Golden (Seth Clearwater)- Sunflower Sequelजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें