Chapter 1

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Wilbur P.O.V

It's been two years since the accident. Two years since I've been brought to the god forsaken place. Two years since my entire world came tumbling down.

Now I was sitting on my bed, body aching from a week prior. Within a year I've been in five foster homes and got adopted twice. My last home was one of the worst ones. I was there for a month and wish I was there for less. Beaten everyday, starved, and shot twice in the leg and once in the shoulder. Thank god it wasn't like family one which was in a secluded area, or family 6 which lived in a crime hotspot that no one care if you died. Family four was nice enough but they gave me up in a week after I had a mental break down and broke their prized china set. Family two and five were manipulative bitches who only wanted a punching bag and money. Family three was a charity case, just wanting the money they got from their 6 other children. Then there is Family seven. The one I barely was able to escape from with my life. It wasn't even a family, just me and that bitch of a man. He was an addict and alcoholic with anger issues, perfect storm for a depressed traumatized teen like me.

"Wilbur the families are on their way" a gentle voice called, breaking me from my thoughts.

"Alright, I'll be down" I called back. I remembered the first time I was called down. We had to stand in line perfectly while the families looked at us like we were animals.

I slowly got up, wincing at every movement. I limped out of the room, glancing around. I quickly walked outside where the other candidates were. I was surprised to see only teens there. Guess they just want someone that they could easily take care of and get rid of. As long as they don't pick me I'll be fine. I walked towards the back of the now forming line.

We didn't have to due to the the new headmaster allowing us to just be in the general vicinity but we still did out of habit and fear.

The first family took the first kid they saw. Damn, hope they'll make it out alright my sympathetic side though. Not now, you have to worry about saving your own ass right now my other, more self-centered side though. I sighed. I always though of my mind as different voices. Most of the time they were telling me to be more worried about myself then other, but my young soul kept thinking about how everyone else felt. I snapped out of my thoughts as a man walked over to me.

He had a white and green bucket hat and a green shirt with shorts. He was also wearing sandals. No I don't have a foot fetish, It was just weird. The man looked at him with a soft smile. 

"Hey, I'm Phil, This is my son Techno" He said, gesturing to the person besides him. Techno had long pink hair wrapped up in a bun and his lower canines (I think that's what their called) were growing over his upper lip. He had an overbite which made his teeth more visible. He was where a fancy white shird and black leggings with knee high boots. He was also wearing fingerless gloves, showing his scarred knuckles. I also had scared knuckles. Actually most of my body was covered in scars, mainly from knives or glass.

"Wilbur" I said plainly, scanning them over. Techno was tense and expressionless, looking me over to. Phil was laid back and trying to make himself look the least threatening, which made me more cautious. 

"Well I was wondering if you would like to come home with us for a while" Phil asked with a soft smile. I look at him, knowing better then to say no. I nodded, not giving any verbal response. Phil sighed and got up, walking towards the exit. Techno waited for me so I followed Phil, not liking being sandwiched between two people I didn't know. 

After twenty minutes of signing papers, questions, and inspections I was finally lead outside. I looked around, wondering what my chances were of surviving in the wild. He was  snapped out of his thoughts when Techno cleared his throat. Phil was waiting at the door way while Techno was standing. I was the only one still sitting. My face became tinted pink from embarrassment as I got up. I followed they out towards the parking lot. They had a minivan.

No fucking way. This is gonna be bad I thought to myself. Phil got in the drivers seat, Techno getting in the back. I climbed in after him, making sure to keep my distance. I looked at the woods surrounding the orphanage. Those woods look very tempting right now I though as I look out the window.

Remember, Keep your guard up one of my voices said. I nodded, making Techno look at me weird. I didn't care, tensing as the van started up. I started out the window as we went from country to the city. I scowled to myself when we entered a fancy looking neighborhood.

Phil stopped at a fancy looking house and got out. He walked over and opened my door which I was surprised about. "We're here. I hope you don't mind the size. I've been thinking about getting something larger" he explained, smiling. I was confused. Didn't he know he could stop acting nice. We're far away from the orphanage and I didn't see any police stations on my way here.

"Hey you coming?" Techno said. I jumped, looking over. He looked slightly annoyed as Phil gestured for me to come with him. I must of zoned out again I thought, sighing as I unbuckled and got up. Road safety kids, even an emo depressed teen like me wears my seatbelt. Rip the fourth wall I guess. I got up and walked to the front door, looking around as Phil let me in. 


Not sorry about the fourth wall breaking. Hope you enjoyed! Sorry it took so long to write, school and mental health sucks, can't we call agree.

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