Chapter Two - that piece of sh*t

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Hajime woke up early the next day. She wanted to get a head start at breakfast for her first day of school. When Hajime woke, Nagito was still lounging in bed—drool ran down her chin as her hair cover her eyes in a messy mop. So she let her sleep in a bit while she went to go get breakfast.

There was no kitchen inside of the dorm however, there was one on the dorm building lounge. And although usually Hajime would have cereal or a pop tart for breakfast, this was important. The first day of school. She thought some eggs might do her better. With that, Hajime took an orange juice and a cartoon of eggs from her mini fridge and made her way to the kitchen.

When she got in there, a pink haired girl was making toast. She smiled at Hajime and she returned the gesture. The girl was already dressed, although her tie wasn't properly tied and her hair wasn't brushed and everything was slightly messy.

"What's your name? I haven't seen you before, and I've seen everyone!" She inquired, looking at Hajime.

"I'm Hajime Hinata, and no, you woudlnt have seen me anywhere before because, well, I'm new!" When she said this, she caught the attention of a short blonde girl on the couch, who she wasn't even aware of.

"I'm Fuyuhiko Kuzuryuu," Rhe girl said. She was also dressed, although, she looked a lot nicer put together than the other girl, "And that's my roommate, Kazuchi Soda. She's a real dumb ass."

"Hey!" Kazuchi said, "Ya know, Hajime, she's always being so mean to me! Tsk, tsk. Anyways, who's your roomie?"

Hajime gulped. According to Nagito, everyone hated her. And although Hajime doubted this was true, she was quite scared to find out the results. "Her name is Nagito Ko-"

"Fucking Nagito?!" Fuyuhiko shouted, looking at Kazuchi who returned her surprised and dreadful look. Hajime simply nodded.

"Hajime, shes fucking-"

"No!" Fuyuhiko covered up her mouth, "Listen just... keep an eye on her and if she does anything fucking weird, let us know. Although, maybe that fucking lunatic learned some self control. No need to scare ya any more."

The toast then popped out of the toaster, Kazuchi grabbing the two pieces quickly. "Well, cya, bye!" She grabbed Fuyuhiko and rushed out of there.



She went back to her dorm and started eating when Nagito woke up. She looked oddly angelic. All her white hair was tangled in her hands, face, and just... everywhere. Nagito sat up and pushed the hair out of her face, turning to face Hajime. The tiredness was visible from her eyes.

"Mm... good morning, Hajime."

"Hey, Nagito?" Hajime asked, finishing her eggs as the other girl took a bagel out from underneath her bed and started eating, "Can I ask you a question?"

"You can ask me anything!" She smiled while eating. It was kind of gross buy nonetheless, Nagito had some kind of calming look to Hajime.

"Do you know two girls named Kazuchi and Fuyuhiko?"

Nagito stopped eating and furrowed her eyebrows before. "Yes... why do you ask, Hajime?"

"I met them this morning and they said there was some weird things with you but refused to name them," She sighed, getting up from her bed and pulling a uniform out of her drawer. At her words, Nagito smiled once more.

"Oh, how kind of them to spare me my dignity! Kazuchi and Fuyuhiko really are nice! And-AH!"

"What's wrong?"

"Sorry, Hajime! I just didn't realize you were starting to get changed. Ha, I can just wait outside until you're done or turn around-" Nagito said, starting to mumble on, earning a sigh from Hajime who then interrupted:

"Huh? Don't be ridiculous. We're both girls, Nagito," She sighed once more as she looked in the mirror. Hajime put on a shirt, tucking it into her skirt and buttoning it up.

"Ha, so you want me to look? I'm quite flattered but I really don't deserve-"

"Nagito, why do you have to make everything weird?" She sighed once more. Interrupting and sighing. Hajime was sure she's done both more in the day and an eighth with Nagito than she has her whole life. "Anyways, you should start getting changed now."

Without another word, Nagito got up, took out her uniform and put it on. It was surely messily put on. Kind of like Kazuchi's. So once more, Hajime sighed.

"Here, let me help you," She said, walking up towards her and she starting tucking in the other's shirt. Nagito's breath hitched at this, reminding Hajime just how close she was. A blush lightly dusted over her face. Next Hajime untied the tie which hadn't been properly done and instead, knotted. She was so focused on tying Nagito's tie, she didn't realize how close she had gotten. Nagito was slightly taller and with Hajime's head titled down some, her breath hit right about the other's nose.

"Ah, if you get any closer, if you get any nicer, I'm certain I'll die," Nagito said through a smile. Hajime's only thought was how she always had to do weird shit like this, and honestly, she didn't mind it much.

"The only person who's going to die is me if I have to keep sighing," Hajime sighed. Then she put on her backpack and threw Nagito hers. "Come one. Let's get going."

"Oh, uh Hajime..." Nagito avoid Ed the other's gaze as she rubbed the back of her neck, "I normally skip home room. My classmates and I don't get along so I think it's best that I just stay out of it so they can enjoy themselves. Plus, you wouldn't want them to get the wrong idea that you like me."

"I'm sorry, Nagito..." She looked at the girl on pity. This school had surely pushed Nagito around more than she deserved, and Hajime wished she knew all of it, "But they can't stop you from attending class. I'll be with you. Also, I do like you. We are friends. There's no wrong idea for anyone to get."

"Are you sure?" Nagito asked and Hajime nodded happily in response. Then she took her hand and ran out of the dorm. The two of them laughed as they moved quickly hand and hand down the halls. Nagito armor fell multiple times, but Hajime was always there to steady her. Then they finally got into homeroom.

Fuyuhiko and Kazuchi smiled and waved when they saw Hajime, but it wasn't long before the other girl she was dragging along came through the door. This broke the two's mood. Fuyuhiko whispered below her breath, "That piece of shit..."

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