Chapter One - what the h*ll

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Oh god, she was nervous. Hajime Hinata's mother had just dropped her off at her new school. No, her new home. She stood at the grass right besides the road which separated the boys' school from the girls'. Both units were big with buildings for elementary, middle, and highschool. Not to mention dorms for those in highschool. Hajime, standing with a back and a suitcase, walked towards the girls' dorm building with a map in hand. She had just moved here, unlike most of the other students who had been there since kindergarten, so she didn't have as much time as the others who had already moved into their dorms. School started the next day, giving Hajime only that day to unpack.

She had arrived at her dorm. Her room was on the third floor with all the other juniors. Hajime couldn't wait to see who her roommate would be. Hopefully the two could be friends. Personally, Hajime hoped the school's reputation would live up to its promises and set her up for success. So she moved one hand over her short, brown bob to make sure no strand of her naturally spiky hair was sticking out too much (except for her adhoge, that thing never left) and used the other to draw her key and unlock the door.

There was a girl with long, messy, white hair laying on her bed playing some game on an nintendo. She was quite pale and her grey eyes narrowed at the device in concertation. When Hajime saw the girl, she wanted to run out and leave. Nothing was wrong with her per say but rather what she was wearing. No, what she wasn't wearing. The girl had on a black pair of athletic shorts and a sage green bra. And she still hadn't noticed Hajime's presence until the door closed on the will of gravity, making a noise that startled the girl out of concentration.

"Oh! I'm so sorry!" The girl put the Nintendo down, and while still in bed, reached her arms over to her dresser and opened it, pulling out a white shirt with a red design and putting, "God, please forget that sight-"

"I-it's fine," Hajime huffed out, her face heavy with blush, "We-we're both girls anyways."

"Oh, well I wasn't thinking about it like that," The girl rubbed her neck, "I just assumed you must be scared seeing such a horrid body like my own! Especially from your face. You looked quite uncomfort-"

"Your body is fine," Hajime shook her head and sat down on the other bed. Her flustered expression had calmed down and now, she was back to normal. Unsure of what ahd come over her, "I just didn't want you to feel violated. That's all."

The girl seemed to brush off Hajime's words as if she didn't believe it. "Anyways, I'm surprised they gave me a roommate. I'm Nagito Komeada."

"Hajime Hinata and..." She gave herself a laugh out of confusion, "Uh, why are you surprised they gave you a roommate?"

"Well, I shouldn't get into the details much but ever since kindergarten here, no one has liked me much. Administration decided things would be easier if no one had the burden of sharing a room with me," Nagito sighed, in an obvious attempt to end the conversation, she picked up the Nintendo again. Hajime looked at her. Well she was... odd. Hajime herself was a bit confused as she twisted the bangs of her hairs around her fingers.

Was Nagito that bad that the school decided to room her alone? What kind of school was this? These were the thoughts in Hajime's head as she started putting sheets on her bed and began unpacking. Everything was so silent except for the sound of Nagito's nintendo. And the silence was not comfortable, so Hajime tried to break it. "So uh... what game are you playing?"

"Hmm? Oh, this is Chiaki's Nintendo. He made me an account on it so I could be on his animal crossing island. I'm fishing right now," Nagito's eyes still narrowed in concentration. Hajime found it amusing how seriously she seemed to be taking animal crossing and... cute? No, no, no. Not cute. Just amusing.

"Ohhh, Chiaki? Is he your boyfriend?" Hajime teased her as she folded her uniforms into the drawers. At her words, Nagito burst out laughing--her laughter so strong she seemed to be tearing up.

"HAHA! OH GOD-" She caught her breath, "You really are new around here, huh Hajime? Ah, I'm gonna be heartbroken when the other girls fill you in on things around here. But uh... no. He's the furthest thing from my boyfriend."

"You don't like him? But he has an account for you on-"

"Not far in that direction," Nagito sighed again. If she was annoyed with her, Hajime couldn't tell, "Far in the friends' direction. He's like my brother. Hajime, boys and girls can be friends, ya know?"

"I know!" She said, defensively.

"Oh! Sorry, Hajime! I didn't mean to insult your intelligence! Trash like me-"

"Seriously, stop it," Now it was Hajime's turn to sigh, "Anyways that's some tough words coming from the girl who has been in a catholic school since kindergarten. You should know with those types of things, more than likely someone is destined to catch feelings."

"Oh Hajime. Sweet, simple Hajime," Now Nagito had gotten up from her bed and was making her way over to Hajime. When she saw this, Hajime dropped the clothes she was holding. Nagito just drew closer, and when the two were face to face, Hajime completely dropped her own legs, sitting on the floor--her back against the bed. Nagito leaned down, but did not sit like Hajime, "My time at this school means nothing. I have the privilege of remembering the time before kindergarten. When my parents were alive. If they never died, if I was never adopted by that woman, they would have never sent me here. My parents taught me good morals. I took that to heart. Not the twisted ones of this school. You're just the opposite. I bet you're parents are catholics too, huh? No, not catholic. Twisted. Just like this school. And you took those to heart. From here on out, you'll only get worse."

Hajime could feel her breath on her neck--a lump traveled down her throat. Nagito was practically threatening her and yet, she found it weirdly... suggestive?

"Ah! But for now!" Nagito kneeled down and wrapped her arms around Hajime's neck, placing her head on the other girl's shoulder while she held her in for the hug, "You know nothing about me. I'm so lucky! I get to enjoy Hajime before she hates my gut!"

...what the hell?

A/N: So if you know me from my The Mage and The Princess story, we're already off to quite a different start so uh... haha :D Anyways first chapter, yay!

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