Chapter 5: Yuuichirou and PoH

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A/N: Kept you waiting, huh?

Once Kouichirou successfully spawned into the game, he found himself standing over the edge, looking down at the white abyss. Gasping in shock, he stepped back in panted heavily. Knowing if he went off balance, he would've died right there.

"What the hell?" Kouichirou exclaimed, quickly calming himself down, he looked at his surroundings.

He was surrounded by the usual NPC's but can immediately spot players from the green diamond-shaped crystal floating over their heads, also by the look of dread and distraught on their faces.

Kouichirou's in-game name is 'Yuuichirou,' a combination of his last and first name.

Telling from the players' faces, this could mean that they haven't made it to the first floor yet. Which would make sense, because judging everyone's levels, the ones Kouichirou has seen are all in the single digits, most barely over LV. 7.

I hope I can find Asuna this way. Kouichirou looked down at his hip, seeing a rapier. Maybe I should've stuck with a starter-long sword instead.

Kouichirou sighed before looking around. He decided to ask some players about a girl with the same hair colour as his, but lighter. All of them answered 'no', while some tried to get him to introduce her to them. It resulted in him scaring them off with threats.

It was already nighttime, and with no luck, Kouichirou decided to stay at an inn. After getting a room, he sat on a bed and opened his character profile to look at his stats.

"Maybe I should level up," Kouichirou said to himself. "Gotta get more cor. You start with 100 and I spent 50 on a room."

The man groaned and laid down on the bed. "Damn, we made this game really realistic. It doesn't feel like a game."

Kouichirou looked up at the ceiling, contemplating on what his next move will be.

"I'll grind Frenzy Boars for levels and gold in the morning, spend the afternoon asking around for Asuna, and evening..." Kouichirou lets out a long sigh. "Spend 50 cor on an inn room again, and probably more for food," he continued. "I also need to find out Aki's whereabouts. He has to be somewhere, unless he's watching over the floor with admin powers. That'll only make it harder for me."

Kouichirou closes his eyes and tried to sleep. It's a bit difficult for him since he couldn't help but worry about Asuna.


When it became morning, Kouichirou was already fighting Frenzy Boars in a field on his own. He managed to kill a decent amount that made him level up to LV. 2 and get enough cors for food and items, as well as a room at the inn. Thanks to the starting ability "Flash Sword" which is a dash/thrust attack that does piercing damage, killing these low level monsters is a piece of cake.

"Good thing I know the mechanics, if I was a complete noob, I would've been killed already," Kouichirou chuckled to himself. He looked at the rapier he held and saw a bar on it, seeing it low and red. "Great, now I have to repair it... polishing and sharpening weapons would be 100 cor... crap, how much damage can I do just by punching again?"

As Kouichirou was thinking to himself, someone approached him from behind. He felt a tap on his shoulder. Surprised by this, he turned around and pointed his rapier at the person's neck.

"Wait, wait!" shouted the man, he had a machine gun-like tone, despite the fact that he shouted like a frightened child.

Kouichirou stared at the man. The exotic handsome face looked familiar, he looked American-Hispanic, but he looks somewhat Japanese than American. Kouichirou's eyes widened in realization.

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