Chapter 17: I love you mother

Start from the beginning

"Y/N, You have to stop, you can't kill him!" Thor hoarsely cried as he held Frigga's lifeless body in his hands. "This isn't you, let father take care of him." 

"No brother! I let father take care of him once and now mother is dead. Now, I deal with him." You said as you felt Malekith's throat obturate, but still trying hard to stay open. You continue to choke Malekith until you saw his soul leave his body at a painfully slow pace, muting out his weak, pathetic cries for you to stop. His face pale, his icy blues shut as a single drop of tear ran down his right eye. You drop the inanimate body, letting it tumble down the stairs, and you slowly descend, stumbling as you get on your feet. As you descend the clouds set and your iris returned to their natural hazelnut. You run towards Thor and Frigga. You look at Thor holding her inert body close to him. You drop to your knees next to him sobbing. You tried to control the tears but seeing the pool of dark red blood around you made your heartbreak. Thor still hugging Frigga pulled you closer, he leaned his forehead into your as you two sat there looking at Frigga. 

"Thor? Y/N? What happened?" Loki and Odin came into the room panting. 

"Thor! What happened to mother?" Loki came closer ignoring Algrim and Malekith's dead bodies lying in the room. "Why is she not getting up?" He kneeled next to you. 

"Loki! Mother-" You hug him in hope that it will help you with your pain. "Mother is dead!" You sobbed into his shoulder as he held you close. Odin stood at the top of the stairs trying to take in what was going on. He then looked at Algrim and Malekith's desolate bodies lay across from each other, both looking untouched, yet lifeless and blue.

"Algrim? Malekith?" Odin said stepping to them. "How? Who did this?" He said staring back at his children as they placed their dead mother on her bed. All three of you got up from the bed and walked to the bottom of the stairs, you and Thor covered in your mother's blood, and still dripping down your fingernails. 

"Father! Mother is dead and all you care about who killed that bastard?" Thor said, filling with rage. 

"Your mother died protecting your friend and Asgard, I can't mourn her death without knowing what happened here." He said looking back at the bodies. "Now tell me who did this?" His voice was now filled with anger.

"I did father!" You said stepping a little closer to him. "He stabbed mother when his demands weren't met, and I- I couldn't control the angry, I killed him!" As you said the words your brain fled to a million places, your heart raced, trying to get out of your body, making you drop to your knees "I killed him." You said as tears ran down the side of your face. Odin looked at you then at Frigga. 

"I will deal with you after her funeral. Thor, Loki get the legion to prepare for your mother's funeral." He walked out. 

Thor and Loki came down to you, trying to console you. "Y/N, it's okay, don't hang on to it. You were, only avenging mother." Thor said trying to get you up. 

"But brother, I took out his life, their lives!" You brought your head to your hands, smudging the blood, without knowing, on your forehead. 

"They were meant to die, they should be happy that they got to die in the hands of the greatest warrior and strongest Asgardian," Loki said trying to cheer you up. 

"How is that supposed help, Loki?" You said looking up at your brother, his puffy eyes were red from crying, his nose and lip were cut-ups, his face was full of bruises, dirt, and blood. You could imagine his pain to smile through everything but he did. Just for you. You shed a small tear as you replied to him with a side smile. 

"Now come on we have to help with the funeral," Thor said dusting himself off. You guys get up and head to inform and help the legion with the funeral prep. 

At the funeral 

Your family, all still in the same clothes that you wore during the fight, just washed the dirt and blood off your skin, stood in the front row, right next to the boats as the rest of Asgard stood in silence behind you, morning for all the members passed. The legion stood on the other side, the band next to them, playing ancient Asgardian music. Frigga rested on a boat covered with flower petals as the boat slowly descended into the moonlight. 

All your memories with your mother came rushing to you as you watched her drift away. When she helped you study, helped you dress, helped you hide from your brothers while playing. How she fed you, helped you through your nightmares, she was the only other person who could help with your nightmares and now she was gone too. A single tear left your eye as you watched her turn into a white glowing light ascend into the sky. 

I love you mother. 





In love with a MONSTER ~ Bucky Barnes  (Completed)[Republished]Where stories live. Discover now