prologue - lightning (Techno+xreader)

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Small TW: sea, lightning, slight swearing

Nothing dangerous happends!

I'm going to write this as a really close friendship between techno and the reader.

The reader is female, sorry, if you aren't, or use other pronouns, you can always change the pronouns if you want to, again sorry.

The story is irl.

You are younger than techno, by at least a few years, you decide yourself though. (i myself am a minor/teenager so im gonna write as around that, if you want to read it as a romantic story you can just read it as if you are above 18)...(please dont mind the fact i have a crush on an adult pig, it's guite normal for me at this point)

You're from England.

You and techno have a joke going on, where you are his mother and he is your son, because you are always super motherly protective of your friends (telling them to eat, sleep, drink water, etc.), and one day on a stream, where Techno hadnt eaten the entire day, it became very clear, and chat started saying you were his mom. Since that day, you would randomly call him son, and a few times he would call you mum, but making sure to mock your british accent. and since you are younger than him, chat made a whole ass theory on how you gave birth to him, then died, and got reincarnated into who you are now. and chat also started to say it was canon, which it isn't.

You see Techno as your older brother (if you decide to read it as a romance instead, you dont see him as a brother of course)

Many from the smp is at a meet-up in Florida, including you two of course. (covid is over)

You love lightning btw, so if you dont, im sorry, but for the matter of the story you do.

Your love language is touch, and you are completely touch starved (a/n - deffo not how i feel ;-;)

You are one of the only ones of the smp who have such a close friendship with techno as you have, other then Phil and Will. Like Phil said in a stream, that Techno is the type of person to just mind his own business 24/7, but you and Techno would frequently talk and play off camera or record videos. When you talk, you talk whatever you two have on mind.

The next stuff in this is random knowlegde about you/your character, so you don't have to read it, but i recommend that you do, just to understand their friendship.

The people you play, with is your only friends other then two childhood friends (not really super important for the story, just so you know why these people mean so much to you) - you were never the popular type of person in school, which makes you the perfect streamer (yay)

You and Techno have the same humor; dark, sarcasm and jokes so bad they're funny. 

When you are streaming by yourself or talking to Techno, you'll always be like, super quiet for like 10 minutes without realizing, cause you've just been thinking about ramdom shit, and then you would say whatever you had on mind, and just start rambling like a waterfall. Techno likes when you do this, cause its always so random and out-of-pocket things, and because he sometimes dont know what to talk about, so he'll listen to it and throw in quick sarcastic lines inbetween your sentences, and it's also because it's funny, like you will get super worked up on something completely random, and its always without warning, well for new people in your chats it is, people who has been seeing your streams for a while, knows that if youre silent, it either means youre thinking about something or concentrating. Another thing you both like about the rambling, is that it kills the silence, and dont get me wrong, you both think silence is nice, but on call it can get super awkward. With other people you are normally the quiet person.

The rambling also helps him not getting distracted.

Due to his short attention span, you would oftenly help him record videos, and/or help edit the videos if they have more then one perspective.

You and Techno talked the first time in one of the early mcc's, but first started talking more when you joined the dream smp.

You are also good friends with Ranboo, and the rambling also happends when you are talking to him.

(757 words)

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