"Okay" Veronica sighs "that was a lot of information"

"I now Miss Lodge. I have some more information on this topic for you and your boyfriend. I can give you a couple brochures later. To sum up there is a high chance of the problem fixing itself just keep it calm and try not to stress"

"That's great" Veronica smiles. She can't hide how relieved she is. "Can you tell us the gender?" she grins. "I really want to know"

"Sure, Miss Lodge" Dr. Brown chuckles. "You're having a ....... any guesses?"

"Mhhh I'd say either a boy or a girl" Archie says with a super serious look on his face. It makes Veronica laugh. "No" she giggles and shakes her head.

"Okay, you're having a girl"

"A girl!" Veronica squeals. She squeezes Archie's hand tightly and giggles with tears of joy running down her cheeks.

"A mini version of you" he whispers "that's perfect"

"Ella will be so excited"

"She will be" Archie chuckles. "I can't believe my little girl will be a big sissy and l'll have two daughter's"

The doctor interrupts their little conversation with a quiet laugh. He hands them sonogram picture and says goodbye before he leaves. Veronica and Archie stay in the room for a few more minutes and just stare at the little piece of paper in their hands. Veronica is so happy there's a high chance her daughter will be fine. She can't wait to hold the little girl and take her home.


"Yeah so apparently it's called something ventricular septal defect so there's basically a little hole in her heart but the doctor said there's a high chance that hole will close with time" Archie says as he flops down on the couch next to Veronica. He's talking to his mom on the phone.
Veronica smiles when she can hear a loud squeal from the phone. "Her? So it's a girl?"

"Yes mom, it's a girl" Archie chuckles. "I'll have another daughter. Listen, I'll call you back later. Ronnie is here with me"

He hangs up and places his phone on the coffee table before he wraps his arms around Veronica and pulls her between his legs. His hands rest on her stomach. "We'll have a little girl" he grins. "That's so great. I love girls and I don't think we could ever make a baby boy more perfect than my little Benny"

"What about Ella?" Veronica giggles.

"She's perfect too but I think this little girl will be just a perfect as the confident little girl we already have"

Veronica smiles and blushes a little. "I love how you say we and our. Like we're a real family"

"We are Ronnie. You're not just their nanny anymore. You're more. You're my girlfriend and kinda like a mom to the kids. I hope that's not weird"

"No" Veronica shakes her head "I actually really like it. I never had that feeling of family. I'm not close with my parents and I don't have siblings. My father never showed any love. He was more into his business and his own life and my mom tried but she was just like him. I was often alone and when they were home I locked myself in my room or went out with my friends because every evening I spent with them ended with a lot of yelling and a lot of tears"

"I'm sorry babe. You didn't deserve that. No child does. I love you and I promise you I will love you with everything in me for the rest of my life. I will take care of you and try to make you happy. The kids already adore you and I promise we will give you all the love you missed"

"Thanks" she sniffs but suddenly she tilts her head and looks up to him with a little frown on her face. "Did you just say you love me?"

"Uhm I guess I did. I love you Ronnie"

"I love you too "she whispers. Her hand grabs the collar of his shirt and then pulls him closer to meet his lips. She kisses him a few times before she pulls back and just stares at him. Her hand moves from the collar to his cheek. Her thumb softy strokes his skin. "I got lucky"

"You? I'm the lucky one. I have a beautiful girl by my side and I'll have another baby"

"You're so cute" she smiles. She kisses his lips again before she turns her head back and snuggles into his chest. His hands move on her stomach in circles. "I can't wait for her to be here but I'll miss the belly"

"You still have a few months before it's gone"

"We can always make another one" he grins.

Veronica turns her head. "I love how confident you are but let's see what life's like with three kids before we think of a fourth. Maybe I don't want a fourth" she smirks.

"You don't sound like you don't" he chuckles and kisses her cheek a couple of times.

"Well no more than four" she giggles as Archie continues to kiss her cheek.

"Maybe I can convince you otherwise"

"Definitely not" she giggles and pushes his head to the side. "Four are more than enough and like I said, I wanna have this one first and then I need break before we even start talking about having another one"

"Okay fine" he chuckles "whatever makes you happy honey"


Am I the only one who wants KJ and Clara to have a girl cause omg that would be so cute 😩

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