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At school, once Miles and Barbara found out Mr. Kinglsey was fired, they felt victorius. They took down New York's newest and dangerous villain. Now, Miles just had to deal with the rest of the Sinister Six, plus the Underground.

"So I guess the Sinister Six is called the Fearful Five, now that Hobgoblin is put away." Barbara began.

"I was thinking... Frightful Five." Miles responded, smiling at the girl, who was now his girlfriend.

I hear you dorks are together." Flynn started, with Jordan and Maryland walking over to him.

"You're so cheating on Jules." Maryland stated.

"He's not even dating Julie, you dumb bitch." Barbara said.

"Don't call me a bitch." Mary retorted.

"If you call her a dumb bitch again, I'm gonna kick your ass." Jordan said to Barbara.

"Jordan growled towering over Barbara. He was 6" 3, while Barbara was 5"3. But, Miles being 5'11 somewhat stood face to face with the bully.

"And, if you threaten her again, I will kick your ass." Miles hissed. Jordan pushed Miles and he stumbled backwards. Miles pushed him back in response.

"Don't act brand new just because your Mom is in the hospital and your old man is dead." Jordan said out of Miles. Those words felt like a venomous sting that puts you in a coma for good. To show Miles didn't appreciate his comment, Miles lifted him, and threw him across the other side of the hallway.

"Don't ever talk about my parents again, or I will break your fucking back!" Miles yelled, leaving him on the ground. Miles headed to the restroom, locked himself into a stall and looked at his hands. He felt like a monster. So he left the school and went home. He knocked down his bookshelf, punched the walls, which indeed make a mess. He thunk about his life. Him being Spider Man. His dad being dead. His Mom in the hospital.

Everything was falling apart. Like a shitty brand of building blocks. In his train of thought, he heard a knock on the door. He answered it, and saw his friend, Peter Parker. But, his hair was messy, he smelled awful. His nose was also red.

"You look a mess." Miles said, letting Peter in.

"Caught a runny nose. Apparently, sleeping without a blanket the same night Aunt May leaves the AC on does something to a guy." Peter joked.

"How'd you find me?"

"Oh, I saw you enter this house once, so I assumed it was yours.

"Well, it is."

"So, why aren't you at school? Something happened?"

"Yeah. I got mad and just left. Came here."

"I heard about what happened to your mom. She gonna be okay?"

"Yeah. She's gonna be gone for a while though." Miles informed Peter. Peter knew Miles had been through a lot. So, he decided to take him somewhere.

"Hey, suit up. I'm gonna take you somewhere." Peter instructed. Miles headed to his room to change into his spider suit.


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The duo took a swing around from Brooklyn to Queens, to the area of the Baxter Building, which was the old Avengers tower. They landed on the top of the building and looked at the horizon.

"Probably should have waited until sunset." Peter quipped.

"Yeah. Should have." Miles said, smiling.

"What happened? Why are you home so early?"

"I got into a fight at school. This guy trash talked my parents, so I threw him across the hallway, then just left."

"I'm sorry about what happened. I get defensive like that when someone speaks on my parents or my uncle."

"So how long are we staying here?"

"For a few minutes. Got something to do?"

"No, you're just sick. You need to get home."

"I guess you're right. Let me get you back home, then I'll be on my way."

With that, Peter made sure Miles got home, which he did. After Miles got home, Peter headed home himself.

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