The Twist

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"Bob!" Miles exclaimed.

"Yeah, what's up, kid?" Bob asked Miles.

"We need to get to New York, NOW!" Miles yelled.

"Why, is it in danger?" Bob asked.

"Yes! It's kinda liked how it got attacked in 2012, but no alien invasion." Miles says.

"Alright. I'll get Helen and the kids, then we'll head out. " Bob told Miles.

**20 minutes later**

On a plane, Miles Morales was making himself another suit. Now, I know what you are thinking;Why the fuck does miles have so many damn suits? Well, questioning me about the suits, is like questioning Tony Stark about his suit. But, anyway, Miles was making a new suit that would help him with whatever is going on in New York.

"I like your suit

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"I like your suit. Think you could make me one like that?" Bob asked Miles.

"Sure." Miles responded, cheerfully.

"Who's watching Jack-Jack?" Helen asked Bob.

"Lucias." He replies.

"Looks like we're here." Peter said, landing the plane. The heroes got off, and saw the citizens running around. Buildings destroyed, and much more.

"I have not been gone that long, and New York is falling apart." Miles groaned, as he took off swinging. He grabbed a person the that was falling and safely webbed him to a stable building. Then, Miles met up with Peter and the Incredibles.

"Alright. So, we need follow that purple mist to get to the rest of the team." Miles instructs. The team headed to the direction of the purple mist. Eventually, they caught up to them.

"Good to see you." Riri says to Miles.

"You too. Where is Hobgoblin?" Miles asked.

"Right here." Hobgoblin hissed, walking towards the direction of Miles. Miles ran over to Hobgoblin, and punched him.

"Missed me, Gobby?" Miles asked.

"YOU!" He hissed. Hobgoblin lifted Miles and threw him into a building. Then, Hobgoblin stepped on him.

"Ready to give up,yet?" Miles asked.

"The question is, are you ready to give up?" Hobgoblin hissed at Miles, pulling out a sword, and trying to stab Miles with it. But, Miles held it back. "Little help." Miles groaned.

"I don't think so." Hobgoblin said. But, he was blasted by Riri.

"Thanks!" Miles quipped standing by Riri. Hobgoblin threw a few pumpkin blades at Miles, but he dodged it. Hobgoblin punched Miles a few times. But, Miles blocked the last punch, and backflipped. Then, while airborne, Miles webbed Hobgoblin, pulled the web, and kicked him down. Next, Miles grabbed him and slammed his face into a electric breaker. Riri then blasted Hobgoblin which made him fly across the room. Hobgoblin got back up, and aimed a repulsor blast at Riri. But, Miles used his iron spider arm to pull it back. The blast hit the villain, and damaged his suit. It was damaged even more when Miles launched rockets at him.

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