three | lust

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Lust (Latin: Luxuria) is a psychological force producing intense desire for an object, or circumstance fulfilling the emotion while already having a significant other or amount of the desired object.

"Finding the families who killed us isn't as difficult as what we think," Mark began, delight was clearly heard in his voice. He was smiling widely, which made him look handsome and kinda creepy at the same time.

Mark was sitting pretty on a big couch alone. Jeno and Chenle were sitting on the sofa on the left. Jaemin and Renjun were sitting on the sofa at the right. Jisung was sitting on the floor alone, it's not that there wasn't an available seat— in fact, the sofa on the left and right were still spacious, Jisung just really preferred to sit on the floor along with his beloved guns.

"Sadly, the people who killed us already died because of old age— Pity. They haven't experienced being killed by SVN..." Mark added as he laid his back comfortably against the soft cushion of the chair. "We already found one of the great-granddaughters of the four families. I heard she was also friends with the other three great-granddaughters. It'll be easier to track them now."

"Should we kill them now? Tonight?" Renjun asked impatiently. "It's easier to attack now that we know them."

Mark waved his hands through the air, as though he was telling Renjun to calm himself down.

"Let's stay low for a while," said Mark. "You're the one who suggested that, Renjun... It's better if we play with them a little bit more."

"I have to see if she's good at bed first," said Jaemin with a grin in his face, imagining the sex positions he will do with Hina and how he will torture her along their sexcapades.

"Nothing's better more than slow torture," said Jisung, imagining how he will torture Lami. Will he put a gun in her mouth as he made her sing? Maybe. But dismembering her body slowly sounds good too. "Hearing their pleas and cries is music to my ears."

They were all thinking of different girls they thought were the same. Mark was referring to Koeun, and Renjun and Chenle understood it as it was, but because of Jeno- Jaemin was thinking of Hina and Jisung was thinking of Lami.

Jeno's cunning plan was working well and he's so satisfied with what was going on.

"I TOLD YOU, Lee Jeno, you can't escape from me," said Jaemin the moment he entered the laboratory.

Jeno stopped from reading the thick pile of paper in front of him and turned his back to look at Jaemin with a bored expression on his face.

"If you went here because of that thing, I tell you, I will never do it with you," said Jeno and then he went back to reading the papers. He was reading all the research and experiments that the scientist had done for him to be able to understand how they got resurrected and the chemicals that the scientist had added to the serum for his own benefit.

Jaemin walked calmly towards Jeno. "I am not asking for your permission though."

Jeno took a deep breath as he looked at Jaemin again. He was starting to get pissed because of Jaemin. "I'll send you girls tomorrow, okay? Good in bed, big boobs, tight pussy... Now leave."

Never in his life, he thought of having sex with the same sex and he doesn't have any plans to try it. Also, sex isn't the most important thing right now— the most important thing right now was to make everything work according to his plan.

But Jaemin wasn't really listening to everything Jeno had said. What Jaemin wanted, what Jaemin got.

Does he like Jeno? No. Big fat no. Is he lusting over Jeno? Yes, and to Renjun, also. In fact, he wants to try to have sex with all the seven of them and he was just starting with Jeno and Renjun. Why Jeno and Renjun? Because they are the closest to him. If he tries to have sex with Mark first then the older would probably kill him. If he tries it with Jisung first, the lad might just shot him with his gun. If it's Chenle, the lad might kill him with his own hands, too. Donghyuck? He's too far from them right now. It's not that Jaemin was scared of Mark, Jisung, and Chenle. He could defend himself very well. It's just that he has to have a plan for them to strip in front of him and he hates thinking more than everything. Thinking exhausts him. Besides, he's the strongest among them physically, even though Jeno was smart as hell and there's a chance that Renjun might poison him, he knows their weakness. He would use their weakness very well.

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