two | greed

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Greed (Latin: Avaritia) is an uncontrolled longing for increase in the acquisition or use: of material gain (be it food, money, land, or animate/inanimate possessions); or social value, such as status, or power.

"Sister, I'm sorry, but I can't accept it," Donghyuck answered.

"Donghyuck, son, this is your opportunity to expand your knowledge about medicine," said Sister Kim.

She and Donghyuck were sitting inside her office. He called Donghyuck to come in because she received something yesterday. It was a scholarship grant from a scientist and Donghyuck was the only fit recipient of the scholarship inside the orphanage as most of the kids there are in elementary, if not, highschool. Donghyuck was the only old enough kid there who was fit to go to college.

"I am already content with my skills, sister," Donghyuck declined politely.

"Don't you wanna know more, son? This is your opportunity," said the nun. "You couldn't just rely on medical herbs."

Donghyuck pressed his lips. He absolutely wanted to accept the scholarship, but he felt something fishy about it. He wasn't at ease.

"Please, think through it, son," said Sister Kim. "If you really don't want it, tell it to me next week. Besides, you'll go to the same school as Herin."


"Herin. She's the child of the couple who always donate here in the orphanage," Sister Kim answered. "They'll come here tomorrow. She might convince you to accept the scholarship."

EVERYONE IN THE hallway was looking back the moment they stepped inside the building.

Of course, who wouldn't turn on their backs once they saw six gorgeous men walking along the hallway?

The five walked calmly with a straight face while Jaemin was walking with a wide smile plastered on his handsome face. He was enjoying the attention. He wondered how many girls would line up on him, willing to fuck with him.

Donghyuck, who just came out from the registrar, also turned on his back. He was curious about what the students were buzzing about. He saw the six men walking a few miles away from here.

After thinking about the scholarship for a week, he finally decided to give it a try and Herin gladly helped him with his requirements. He was surprised to see that he had papers prepared, he didn't even know that those documents had existed.

While Donghyuck was looking at them, Mark looked at him with a grin on his face. Mark then made a gun hand sign and moved it in the air as though he was shooting someone while looking at Donghyuck.

"Bang," Mark mouthed before they disappeared completely to Donghyuck's vision. Donghyuck's eyes widened and his heart jumped. His hands then started to fidget. He felt as if something inside him exploded and was desperate to get out of his body, as though there's someone jailed and locked inside him. His heart was beating fast.

"Hyuck? What's wrong?" Herin asked after she came out from the registrar. She saw Donghyuck fidgeting quietly in his place with round eyes as though he had seen a ghost.

"Please, please, don't kill me."


"Hyuck, how's the smell?" He heard Jeno ask him as he laughed loudly.

Donghyuck then sniffed the blood in his hands and then after, he grinned. "Wonderful."

Please. Stop.

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