cozy feeling or sum shit

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Izuku looked up, startled. He wasn't on the alley anymore, he was in a room he'd never seen in his entire life.

Oh no.. no, no, no. A million thoughts ran through his head as he frantically glanced around the room.

Where am I? I have never seen this room before. Did they catch me? I was just in the alley some seconds ago. No, no, no. How? No this can't be happening, it's not possible, it's not—


That's right. He wasn't alone. He had bumped into someone.

Izuku slowly looked in the direction the voice had come from, green eyes meeting red ones.

Izuku stared at the stranger with wide eyes, his body trembling.

The man was wearing a black hoodie and had wavy light-blue hair. He seemed annoyed, mad even.

Izuku started to panic. "W-who are you? Wh-where am I?" He asked as he crawled backwards, stopping when he hit the wall.

The man gave no response, he just stared at him with his arms crossed and with a little scowl playing at his lips.

After some seconds of seemingly examining him, the man tilted his head.

"Do you...not remember what happened?"

When Izuku continued to only stare at him, the man's expression changed again to one of annoyance.

"..You bumped into me, made me drop my smoothie" he said, mumbling the last part.

"It was late, you are hurt, so I took you here..." he said, his scowl growing with every word.

The man took a step towards him, but stopped when he saw Izuku flinch back and curl further on himself.

Shigaraki stopped to further examine the boy, he looked way worse than he had in the alley. He needed the kid to calm down before he had another panic attack or flashback.

He sighed and then looked at the boy who was still watching his every move with wide eyes.

"Look, I'm not gonna hurt you" he said impatiently "I brought you here to help you, I can't do that if you don't let me."

Izuku looked at the stranger.

If this person knew his dad, he would've already come here to punish him for running away.

"Are you letting me help you or not?" The man said after some minutes, looking done with the situation.

Izuku hesitated some moments before nodding.

The man nodded and then sighed again "okay then, I'll go get some stuff to help you with your wounds, you can sit on the bed."

With another nod from the greenette, he left the room.

Shigaraki sighed. Why had he helped the boy again?? He had made him drop his smoothie and he was most definitely gonna be a problem. And he had helped him.

He scratched his neck. Just what the fuck was he thinking? Why the fuck did he even help him?

"You seem upset..."

He looked towards the place the voice had come from. When had he arrived to the bar?

"Kurogiri" He said annoyed. "There's a kid... in my room.."

Kurogiri stared at him for some moments. "Ah yes.. you asked me to warp him here with you.."

"I don't know why I did that" Shigaraki mumbled awkwardly.

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