Chapter 8: Runaway

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Then the akumatized villain was engulfed in yellow light.

"No!" Ladybug and Cat Noir yelled at the same time.

It was too late.

Ladybug watched helplessly as Transverser vanished. Again.

The girl fruitlessly struggled against the ice imprisoning her, a wave of panic engulfing her as her miraculous beeped the last minute.

The three hero course students Ladybug recognized from the loose sketches in the lucky charm notebook -- hero interns, as the police called them -- flinched, their expressions displaying that they've all finally come to the unequivocal realization that Transverser was a liar villain.

The spiky-haired boy with two big grenades on his arms yelled a Japanese profanity Ladybug would've never wanted to understand. He had a black suit with a high collar and an orange "X" in the center. It looked pretty warm, and for some reason, Ladybug wondered if he wore the same thing in summer. Most likely not. Unlike the miraculous holders, people here probably didn't have magical costumes suitable for all temperatures.

The boy with broccoli-like hair called Midoriya Izuku -- who was also the owner of the hero analysis notebook -- had overcome his initial surprise, and the Parisian heroine could see the gears turning in his head.

Chief Tsuragamae had started talking to the third boy whose white and red hair reminded Ladybug of a half-opened lychee, or maybe a candy cane. There was a nasty scar on his left eye.

"I understand, Shoto, but without more solid evidence, I cannot send people after him yet, woof. However, I will try my best to investigate his background." The dog-headed chief said.

"Thank you, chief," the boy with fire and ice powers -- Shoto -- nodded courteously, "we will report this to the Endeavor agency as well when we get back."

An explosion pulled Ladybug's attention away from Shoto to the grenade guy.

"Hey, what else do you know about that dirtbag?!" The boy's sharp red eyes were just inches from Ladybug's face.

"Uh, mind stepping away from milady?" Cat Noir said with a hint of jealousy, "And by the way, you should take some anger management classes."

"And you should go die in a ditch somewhere!" Explosion guy scowled at Cat.

"Kacchan..." Midoriya Izuku walked up to the duo trapped in ice and smiled apologetically. "Sorry for attacking you guys, I think we have a misunderstanding."

"Your name is Kacchan, anger issue boy?" Cat Noir lifted an eyebrow.


"Geez, why are you such a --"

"Cat Noir, focus." Ladybug shot her partner a warning glare, then turned back to the green-haired boy. "Midoriya Izuku --"

"Please, just Deku or Midoriya is fine."


"It's my hero name."

Ladybug nodded. "So Deku, you probably know now that Transverser is a villain."

"Of course, sorry we didn't trust you before. We'll make sure he's investigated."

Ladybug studied the boy for a moment. "You... still don't completely trust us, don't you?"

Deku sighed. "My gut feeling tells me you're not villains, but the police are still going to arrest you. Their support group is arriving soon to apprehend you." He motioned towards Tsuragamae, who was patiently waiting out of earshot.

Ladybug respected the laws that strictly regulated quirks for safety reasons, but she still didn't feel her impending punishment was anywhere close to fair and just.

"Less small talk. Just spit it out, what do you know about that villain?" Bakugou Katsuki snapped.

"He's a maniac hero-wannabe with teleportation and reality-adjusting powers charged by touching people, his power level indicated by how bright his pendant shines. But I thought that was obvious, Bakugou." Cat Noir rolled his eyes, making Bakugou jerk in anger.

"Ladybug mentioned something about... Moths?" The hero student named Shoto asked.

"Hawkmoth. He's a supervillain back in Paris." Ladybug explained. "He can use akumas to evilize people by exploiting their negative emotions. Transverser is an akumatized victim, with the akuma in his pendant."

"So, Transverser was turned into a villain by Hawkmoth. Is Transverser's quirk... granted by Hawkmoth? Just like All -- Uh, never mind." Deku's eyes suddenly darkened, but for what reason Ladybug did not understand.

Before Ladybug could reply, Shoto took out his phone that chirped a notification.

"It's the sidekicks. We need to head back." Shoto said, "We can't do anything more about that villain, since his teleportation quirk means he could be anywhere. We should report it as soon as possible."

"You're lucky I'm not gonna kill you now," Bakugo said before he blasted off with his explosions. Shoto followed, skating on a trail of ice. Deku looked at the Parisians one last time, then bounced after his fellow interns.

Seeing the hero students have left, the dog-headed chief started walking towards the two trapped superheroes. A distant siren can be heard heading this way.

"Milady, we have to leave now. Your miraculous..." Cat Noir whispered apprehensively in French.

She nodded. Her suit was going to disappear in less than 20 seconds.

"Here's the plan, kitty. Break us out, then we split up and blend in with the pedestrians."

"K. Then what?"

"You go north, I go south, so we stay apart in our civilian forms. Head to U.A. high school."

Cat Noir's emerald eyes widened, then he nodded sternly.


The ice trap burst into a billow of dust, and the police started shouting.

Cat Noir picked up his fallen staff, then grinned at Ladybug. "Later, bugaboo."

"Later, kitty." Ladybug swung away, her partner going the other direction.

And for the first time since coming to this world, she had a plan to defeat the akumatized villain.

... Sort of.

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