The Trip

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Today I can't help smiling thinking about my trip to Las Vegas. It was a wonderful experience.

I had been in my country home working on an art project that I was going to sell at local flea market when looking at the city theme in front of me I thought about getting a way for a little bit.

It had been a while so I decided to go to Las Vegas. I quickly check the bus schedule to see if I could get a ticket that day. I got lucky and it will be leaving in a few hours so I have time to get ready. I usually just pack light one suitcase a bag and one of shoulder bags.

The weather was perfect. It was was not too hot not too cold and not a cloud in the sky. Even the light breeze blowing was just calm and peaceful.

I decided to wear my orange sundress with my leather orange and gold strapped sandals that matched. I was blessed with smooth caramel skin that everyone is always saying it looks like I have on makeup so I only put on some lip gloss. After I pin my hair up I put on my big orange hoop earrings. I put on a few of my orange and gold bracelets that compliment the whole outfit. I spray on some of my new glitter body spray I got from the mall.

I stand and admire myself in the surround mirror that have in my closet. I must admit I looked fabulous as usual. The dress hugged all the right places. I take a few selfies on my phone grab my sunglasses and head to the bus terminal.

I get to the terminal and it's surprisingly not that crowded. I go to check my bags in and I ignore the stares as I walk past. I get that so much you would think I was famous. After a little while they will eventually stop staring. I guess nobody ever told them that it's rude.

I hate waiting a long time so usually I go at least 30 minutes before the bus is set to leave. I stand outside checking the scenery and the people. It's the normal scene. A few that look homeless asking for change. A couple of females together that look like teenage runaways with their backpacks on. Then you got a few that you can tell have been riding buses a long time stocking up on snacks and drinks from the vending machines before they get on the bus.

For some reason I get this feeling like I was being watched. It gave me a different feeling a different vibe so I casually get my phone out to check myself with my camera while secretly trying to see who was looking at me.

I spot him. Tall muscular dark chocolate man leaning against the tree smoking a cigarette. I must admit he looked great. I put my phone down get closer to where the line is forming to get a better look. He had light blue and pink plaid shirt with jeans that fit so perfectly they seemed to be tailer made. His rimmed that matched his jeans kind of his face but his mouth was making me little moist.

I must've stared in his direction too long because he smiled and it showed perfectly white teeth. I quickly turned away just as I hear the bus driver telling everybody to line up to start loading.

I quickly give them my bags and get in line. I was one of the first ones on and quickly grab a seat closer to the back of the bus. I hate being closer to the front because it seems to always be filled by noisy people and kids that keep turning around in their seats to look at you making all kinds of noise.

I dig in my bag for my bluetooth headset I smell a strong smell of cologne. It smells so good it literally was making me wetter. I look up and the guy from outside sits in front of me but on the right side. So he could just barely turn and see me.

I see his face now and he is so fine. Smooth skin with a light beard and mustache. He looks so good. My mind starts thinking all kinds of sexual thoughts about him. My body is screaming wanting to touch him and let him touch me. It's been a very long time since I've had sex with anyone besides my toys and he was making me want to just snatch his pants off and suck him right there in his seat!

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