VII: Did You Like It?

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"Dee...I'm at a lost of words rights now."

"What happened, bitch? Tell me everything"

I sat on my windowsill, with my phone in hand, and stared out into the yard combing through the proper words to construe today's events, "Um...what exactly did you mean today when you said you were picking up some vibes?"

He chuckled as I heard him zip up one of his bags, "Tell me what happened."

I kissed my teeth in annoyance as he brushed off my question. I explained everything that happened between Joanna and I on the way to my Dad's restaurant.

When I finished, he was amused and proud of himself, "I sure can call'em, can't I?"

"Deeeee!!" I whined.

He laughed, "What, girl? What exactly is the problem?"

I groaned in frustration. "Are you serious right now...? Tell me! Explain!"

"Nye, you and I both know you have your moments, but it's doesn't take a rocket science to know and understand what happened between you and Ms. Joanna Duchine."

I sat silently for a few seconds then scoffed at him, "It's like that?"

"Sho' is, boo."

I rolled my eyes playfully then sighed.

"But!" he continued, "I can understand why you're flippin' out though. No one's ever been as forthright as Joanna when flirting with you and you don't know how to handle it. On top of's a grown ass woman running game on you. But if you ask me, Ms. Thang put too much pressure on ya and covered it up with asking you to intern at Rhythm Nation."

I nibbled at my bottom lip weighing everything he said. After he put it like that, it made sense. He explained everything perfectly right. To have someone making a pass at me was so...atypical? I don't know. The moment between Joanna and I was completely intense for me. For a grown successful woman to be somewhat attracted to me was giving me all types of feelings.

I jumped from my reverie by a tap on my window. Glancing through, Imani was staring at me with a smile on her face. "I'll talk to you later, Dee. Imani's here." 

"Oh?" His voice peaked with amusement, "That's great! Hey, do me a favor, tell her what you told me and call me back! Bye girl!"

Before I could question him about the sudden excitement he hung up. I brushed his comment aside and quickly unlocked my window to let Imani in.

She crawled through quickly and closed the window then my blinds. With out missing a beat she embraced me in a tight hug. "I had to fucking come and see you." She mumbled burying her face in my neck.

My arms embraced her just as tight, "I'm so happy to see you." I breathed in relief. 

We held each other for a moment longer before she broke the hug. Taking my hand she walked me to my bed and sat with me. "Tell me everything. Did  you get the part?"


"Fuck yeah!" she cheered taking me in her arms again, "I knew it! I knew yo ass was gonna get it! I fucking told yo ass, Cupid!...I'm just sorry I couldn't be there." She sighed breaking the hug.

I smiled softly at her and flashed the gift she got me, "Well...I had your lil charm, so you were there in spirit."

She smiled and winked at me. "I'm glad you like it, Cue. What about the deal with your dad and the lady?"

"That went great. My dad signed the contract and should be expanding pretty soon. But um, Joanna...Joanna is quite the character."

"What'chu mean?"

"Well...she made a pass at me today."

Imani stared at me quietly with a blank face and it confused me. "The fuck you mean she made a pass at you?"

I blushed and sat further in my bed, crossing my ankles and holding my knees against my chest, "She basically told me she wanted me."

"Wants you how?" she pressed tightly. Her attitude was completely confusing. It's almost she seemed upset hearing about this. Her reaction is totally unexpected.

"I-I don't know. Why are you-?"

"The fuck you mean you don't know?"

"Imani!" I whined. Her slight contentious behavior was kind of unsettling me.

She sat quietly for a beat before breathing out a chuckle and laying next to me, "This is funny. A grown ass woman making a pass at a high school senior going to college. This shit is fucking rich, dog."

To hear her finally laughing at the situation assured me. I shoved her playfully, "Oh, hush!"

"...Did you like it?" She asked seriously.

I thought about my answer. "Um, I don't...I don't know."

She didn't say anything before nodding her head, "I can understand that. Not used to anyone trying to holla, huh?"

I blushed more, "Oh, gosh, stop it. I don't even like girls."

"Oh, and how do you know?"

"Well..." I tried to think of something but don't say anything further.

"The way you dance with girls and guys...I know you, Cupid. You imagine making love to them. You've told me your fantasies. If you ask play for both teams for sure."

I crossed my arms, hugging myself, and huffed, "If you say so."

There was a awkward silence that surrounded us before she spoke, "I gotta go."

"What?! No, please, don't go." I begged as she went to get out of my bed.

"I gotta."

"Moni, please! I've missed you!" I grabbed her hand and pulled her body on top of mine, holding her tight enough to not get away,

"Come on, Cupid,"

"Please, don't go. Can you at least stay until I fall asleep."  I asked sweetly. I just need a moment of peace knowing she's safe. The longer I keep her here, the more placid I feel.

She stared into my big puppy eyes then sighed in defeat. "Ok, fine...only until you fall asleep." 

I grinned happily and let her go. She raised herself above me and stared right at me. I smiled up at her, "When's the last time we watched My Hero Acadamia?"

She shrugged.

"How does anime night sound?"

She continued staring at me with a certain look on her face. It's as if she had something on her mind and was internally debating how to say it.

I looked at her with concern running a comforting hand through her hair, "Penny for your thoughts?"

She took my hand from her hair and smiled softly placing a tender kiss on it, "Um...not yet...I'm not ready to say yet."

I give her one last concerned look before she reassured me with a nod. I sighed softly. "Ok. I'll go get the popcorn."

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