Chapter 4 - Late nights

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Y/n pov

It's dinner time. We're eating outside again today. I'm bringing some of the food out. I'm wearing my favourite summer outfit. I put the food down and walk up to Hinata. 'Hey sunshine boy, what's up?' I say. 'Not much, I had a great day tho. We even won a few sets!' Hinata says. 'I know, I watched all of your matches.' I say with a smile. Kuroo walks up to me and Hinata. 'Hey you guys, I don't know if you heard yet, but we're going to the beach on the last afternoon of the training camp.' Kuroo says. He has a big smile on his face. I don't really know how to feel about this beach thing. I love the beach, I do, but I'm very insecure about my body. The information letter did say to bring a bathing suit so I kinda saw it coming. Oh well I'll be fine. 'That's so cool, aren't you excited y/n?' Hinata asks. 'Yes of course.' I say. I can't wait to feel the ocean wind and hear the sound of waves collapsing. 'Anyway I'm going to tell the rest of the guys, see you later.' Kuroo says. He walks away.

Kenma's pov

The beach hah? That actually sounds kind of fun. I have to be careful not to get any sand in my switch. Everyone is really excited about this beach trip. I look over at y/n. She looks a little anxious. I noticed it earlier today too. I hope she's okay. I don't even fucking know her, why am I worried. Ugh I hate having a crush. We're cleaning up after eating dinner. After this some of the Nekoma guys are hanging out with the guys from Karasuno. I'm thinking of joining them. 'Okay well the dishes are done, so you guys can go hangout together.' One of the coaches says. We walk into one of the dorms. We were allowed to choose our own bed and dorm room so the guys from Nekoma and Karasuno sleep in this one. The girls all sleep in one room, since there are only a few.

We sit down in a circle. Not everyone is here, but most of the guys are. Y/n and Kiyoko are here too. Y/n sits down across from me. I look up from my switch for just a second, my eyes meet hers. My cheeks start glowing and I quickly look down again. This crush thing is killing me. 'Oi guys, we have such a big group tonight.' Kuroo says. 'What do you all want to do?' Sugawara asks. 'Spin the bottle!' Yamamoto says. Please no, no, no, no. 'Ehm let's not do that.' Sugawara says, 'I don't think everyone is comfortable with that.' Oh thank god. I did not want to play spin the bottle. 'We could play kiss, marry, kill again.' Noya says. 'Or we could play truth or dare.' Kuroo says. 'Yeah that sounds like fun.' Lev says. Hmm I guess I can handle truth or dare. 'Kenma, put your switch away will you?' Kuroo says softly to me. 'Hmm' I say. 'I will take it from you if I have to.' Kuroo says. Ugh this boy. I put my switch away.

Y/n pov

'I mean I guess we could play truth or dare but not too long because it's getting pretty late already.' Sugawara says. Of course, our mom is always looking out for us. 'Y/n, truth or dare?' It's Kuroo. 'Truth.' I say. 'Do you have a crush?' He asks. 'Not really, no.' I say. I mean I don't have a crush right? I just think Kenma is kind of cute that's all. 'Hm alright.' Kuroo says. 'Okay ehm let's see, Tanaka, truth or dare?' I ask. 'Truth.' 'What's a secret you kept from your parents?' I ask. 'I once got high by accident.' Everyone starts laughing.

We've been playing for about half an hour. A lot of people have confessed some interesting things. It's Lev's turn to pick someone. 'Okay let's make this the last question guys, it's getting late.' Suga says. 'Yeah sure.' Lev says. 'Okay, let's see. Kenma, you've been quiet the entire night, truth or dare?' Kenma looks a bit shocked. 'Ehm truth.' Kenma says. His cheeks are getting a little red. It's adorable to be honest. 'Do you have a crush?' Lev asks. Kenma's cheeks start glowing hot red. He doesn't need to say anything anymore at this point. 'Y-y-y-yes.' He stutters 'but you're not going to find out who it is!'

--- Time skip to like 02.00 am ---

I can't sleep. Coach said we can grab a drink from the kitchen thingie anytime we want, even at night, so that's what I'm doing. Everyone is asleep, so I have to be quiet walking down the hallway. As soon as I'm in the kitchen they can't hear me anymore, luckily. I want to make some tea. I see a blue light coming from the kitchen, it looks like the kind of light that comes from a screen. I walk into the kitchen and see Kenma playing games on his switch. He doesn't notice me at first. I just stare at him for a second. He's really pretty. 'Hi Kenma.' I say. He looks up from his screen. He looks a little shocked. 'L/n.' He says, softly. 'Oh you can call me y/n, everyone does. 'Oh ehm, okay.' Kenma stutters. I make myself a cup of tea. 'What are you doing up so late?' Kenma asks me. 'Oh ehm I just couldn't sleep. What about you?' I sit down across from him. 'I just needed some alone time.' 'Oh well if you want alone time, I can go.' I say. Shit see he already hates me. I'm about to get up. 'No, no, don't go. You seem like a nice person .' Kenma says. I seem like a nice person? Really? Well that's cute. 'Oh well thank you.' I say. I drink some of my tea. It's nice and warm. The warm feeling inside calms me down. Kenma puts down his game.

'So tell something about yourself Kenma, what are your hobbies?' I ask. 'Well ehm I like playing video games, and I play volleyball.' He says. I laugh softly. 'I didn't see that coming.' I say softly. He smiles at me. Wow his features are so, so pretty. 'So what about you?' He asks. 'Well I take pictures and write for the school paper, and I make music, I play the guitar and I sing.' I say. 'Oh that's really cool.' He says. 'Hmm, what do you want to do after highschool?' Kenma asks. 'I wanna go to college and become a journalist. What about you?' I ask. 'I want to become a game designer and developer.' Kenma says. 'Oh that's really cool. You're an interesting person Kenma.' Shit I said that out loud. 'Thanks y/n, you're interesting too.' He says. My cheeks begin glowing.

'Y/n?' Kenma asks. He sounds a bit hesitant. 'Yes.' I say. 'Are you doing alright? You seemed a bit anxious today.' 'Oh well, I struggle with anxiety, mostly social anxiety, today was just a hard day.' I say. He knows about my anxiety, now he'll probably leave me. He looks at me, his head slightly tilted, his eyes focused on mine. 'I struggle with anxiety too.' He says. 'It's not as bad as it used to be, but on some days I just feel like everyone is watching my every move.' I look at him. His voice is so comforting. I feel like I'm drowning in his golden eyes. 'It's like they're waiting for you to make a mistake so they can laugh at you.' I say, softly. 'Yeah, it's exactly like that.' He says. My hand is resting on the table. His hand is close to mine.

Kenma's pov

Fuck, this girl is really making me feel things. I thought having a crush was awful, but honestly if I have to have one, y/n isn't that bad. She's really sweet actually. 'Are you still feeling anxious?' I ask. 'No, I'm actually feeling great.' She says. She sounds genuine. 'Y/n, could I maybe see some of your pictures? I'm really curious.' 'Yeah sure, let me just grab my laptop.' She says. She gets up and walks away. I look at her. I feel comfortable around her. She's so kind, like genuinely kind. She walks into the kitchen again, with her laptop this time. She sits down next to me and opens her laptop. Her background is form (insert fav anime that's not Haikyuu). 'Oh you watch (fav anime)?' I ask. 'Yeah I love it.' 'Hm me too.' She opens up her files and clicks on the one named 'Training camp'. 'Okay look, these are from yesterday.' She scrolls through the pictures. 'Wow, those are amazing.' I say. Then she scrolls past a picture of me. Her cheeks flush with red. 'Was that a picture of me?' I ask. She scrolls back to it. 'Yeah, ehm the sun was hitting your face so perfectly I just had to take a picture of it.' She says. 'It's a nice picture.' I say. 

She took a picture of me, does she maybe like me? Should I ask her if she likes me? She said she didn't have a crush during truth or dare, but she didn't seem all too certain about her answer. 'Do you really not have a crush y/n?' I ask. She looks at me, her head slightly tilted. I might just drown in her e/c eyes. 'I'm not really sure. I mean there is an interesting person I recently met, but I don't know if I have a crush on them yet.' Y/n says. 'Can I know who this person is?' I ask. It's not like me at all to have a conversation like this, with someone I don't know. I think I might be a little sleep drunk. Y/n is just a person I feel really comfortable around. 'Can know who your crush is?' Y/n asks. 'No.' I answer. 'Well then you can't know mine.' She says. From the sweetest girl ever to a hot attitude in three seconds, this girl really is perfect isn't she?

School paper // Kenma x readerजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें