Chapter 3 - a new day

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*It's the same night as last chapter*

Third person pov

It's about 23.00/11.00 pm now. Most of the first years are asleep, they were exhausted after today. Sugawara, Nishinoya, Tanaka, Asahi, Daichi, Kiyoko, Kuroo, Yamamoto, Kenma and y/n are hanging out together. 'Guys, let's play kiss marry kill.' Noya says. 'Ehm sure' Y/n says. Kenma is not paying attention, he's just playing games. Everyone just kind of leaves him alone. The others are pretty excited to play. 'Okay, Suga.' Noya says, 'Daichi, Asahi and Kiyoko.' Suga's face goes red immediately. 'Ehm ehm, I guess kiss Asahi because that would be the least awkward. I would marry Daichi and kill Kiyoko.' He stutters. Everyone starts laughing. Sugawara turns even more red. 'It's okay, we all saw it coming.' Y/n says. 'Okay, well I have one for Tanaka.' Suga says. Tanaka looks up a little shocked. 'Noya, Kiyoko and y/n.' 'Oh shit.' Tanka says. 'You're making this hard on me Suga. I would marry Noya, we'd vibe. I would kiss y/n and kill Kiyoko. Sorry Kiyoko.' Tanaka says. 'It's okay Tanaka.' Kiyoko says. 'Wow guys you are all sleeping on Kiyoko, why?' Y/n asks. 'Okay well then I've got one for you y/n. Kiyoko, Tsukishima and uhhm Kenma.' Tanaka says. 'Oh I would marry Kiyoko, of course. I don't like salty kisses so I guess I would kiss Kenma and kill Tsukki.' Y/n says. Everyone starts laughing. Kenma heard y/n's answer. 'Okay Noya, I have one for you.' Y/n says. 'Asahi, Sugawara and Tanaka.' Noya looks like he's conflicted. 'Okay, marry Asahi. Kiss Tanaka and kill Sugawara. I don't want to kiss the team mom, sorry everyone.' Nishinoya says. Everyone starts laughing. 'Oh guys it's almost midnight, we should go to sleep.' Daichi says.

Y/n pov

I slowly open my eyes. I grab my phone, it's 7.00 am. We have about half an hour until breakfast. I get up. The guys always shower after playing volleyball the entire day, but I don't play so I decided to shower in the morning. I put on a simple outfit. I don't know why, but I'm feeling a bit anxious this morning. Kiyoko and I walk into the common room to eat breakfast. I sit down next to Sugawara. When I'm feeling anxious Sugawara helps me the best. 'Hi suga.' I say, very soft. I only talk this soft when I'm feeling anxious and Suga knows it. 'Hey y/n, are you doing okay? You seem a bit anxious.' He asks. 'Ehm yeah I'm feeling very anxious right now, but I don't know why. I just feel like everyone is watching my every move, like they're waiting for me to make a mistake so they can laugh at me.' I say, my voice almost squeaking. Sugawara turns himself to me. 'Y/n you know that's not the case, no one is going to laugh at you. It sucks that you feel this way, is there anything I can do to help?' Suga asks. God damn it I'm so lucky to have him as my friend. 'Can I maybe have one of your hugs?' I ask. He hugs me without hesitation. 'Oh Suga, could you maybe just keep an eye on me for a bit today? Just check in and reassure me every once in a while?' I ask. 'You know I always do that, right?' He asks. 'Yeah I know, I just need it more than usual today.' I say. He smiles at me and goes back to eating breakfast. I look around the room and catch a glimpse of a certain pudding head. He's still cute, shit. I really want to talk to him but Hinata said he's really shy. Hinata also told me he needs a while to warm up to most people. I'm scared he'll hate me.

--- Time skip to the matches ---

I'm sitting on the bench next to coach Ukai. I'm taking some notes on the camp and editing a few pictures. Every once in a while I ask Ukai something. Sugawara is standing right next to me. He puts his hand on my shoulder. I'm still feeling a bit anxious, but it's not as bad anymore. 'Those pictures are amazing. They always have, but they've gotten even better.' Suga says. 'Ahw thanks Suga.' I say. I look at the pudding head again. HE'S STILL CUTE, WHY!? I just hope I get the chance to talk to him for a bit.

Kenma pov

We're taking a five minute break in between sets right now. I'm drinking some water and looking around the gym. All of the other teams are in the middle of a set. I look at Karasuno's team, they're doing a good job. I see y/n sitting on the bench. Wait, shit no, Sugawara has his hand on her shoulder. Are they dating? No, no, no, no. Wait why do I even care so much? It's not like I have an actual chance with y/n, I can't even get myself to talk to her. But still, she just can't be dating someone else. 'Kenma come on, the next set is staring.' Kuroo says. I walk on to the court. Just focus on the game Kenma, you can do this.

--- Time skip to after the matches ---

I was finally able to focus on the match, and we won. It's great, but now I'm thinking of y/n again. Why am I constantly thinking of her, I don't even know her. 'Oi Kenma, let's eat some lunch.' Kuroo says. We sit down in the common room. 'So you know l/n right? Well I was thinking of asking her out sometime, she is really cute.' Kuroo says. 'No!' I say, without even thinking. Kuroo starts laughing. 'What?' I ask. 'I knew it, you like l/n. I mean I get it she is cute.' Kuroo says. 'I don't like her.' I say. 'So I can ask her out then?' 'No! Okay I like her.' 'Yeah I know, I just wanted to be sure.' Kuroo says. Ugh this guy, he's so annoying sometimes. 'Well it's not like I have a chance with her. She's way out of my league and I'm too shy to talk to her.' I say. 'Oh come on Kenma, just talk to her.' Kuroo says. 'It's not that easy, especially for me and you know that!'

Y/n pov

I walk into the common room. I see Hinata, Nishinoya and Sugawara. I sit down next to Sugawara. 'Hey y/n, how are you doing?' Suga asks. 'I'm doing okay, better than this morning. I'm still not feeling awesome tho.' I say. Sugawara offers me his pudding. 'No that's okay thanks, I'm not that hungry.' I say. 'Okay, but you do have to eat lunch. You have to take care of yourself.' Sugawara says. 'Okay mom.' I say joking. Suga goes back to eating his lunch. 'No really, thanks Sugawara. You're an amazing friend.' I say. 'Thanks y/n, I really appreciate it. Oh and don't forget that you're an amazing friend as well.'

Okay guick a/n. I'm going to put a very small trigger warning on the next paragraph. It talks about depression and suicide. You can skip to the next a/n if you don't want to read it.

I've known Sugawara for a really long time. We grew up on the same block, so we used to play together on the playground. We went to the same schools, and now we still do. Last year we didn't speak a lot though. I kind of ghosted my friends because of my mental health. Sugawara noticed I wasn't feeling good. One day, I was sitting outside close to the playground just reading a book, Sugawara sat down next to me. We hadn't spoken to each other in weeks. I looked at him, he looked at me. 'Please talk to me y/n, what's going on? I know you're not okay.' Sugwara said. I bursted into tears. That's when I told him everything. I told him I didn't feel like myself anymore. I told him I felt empty, I told him that even getting out of bed seemed impossible. I told him that on most days, I didn't even feel like I wanted to be alive anymore. I told him I felt suicidal. He just listened. I'm forever grateful for that day. I don't know if I would even be here if I hadn't talked to him about my mental health.

A/n, quick summary for people who didn't read the last paragraph. It was a bit of background story on you and Suga. You and Sugawara grew up on the same block. He helped you with your mental health problems and you will be forever grateful for that. Okay see you next chapter guys!

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